
575 lines
17 KiB

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TITLE SETTINGS
%% Needed for styling chapter title headings
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%% Style the chapter title that appears on the first page of each chapter
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% This tells it to style the titleformat for chapters
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%% This part says to style the titles for "chapters"
% \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
%% Use this font
%% This styles the "Chapter 1" part
%{\Large Chapter \thechapter \normalfont}
%% This is the spacing between the "Chapter 1" and the actual chapter title
%% This is the size of the chapter title
% Add spacing for the chapter title that appears on the first page of each chapter
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HEADERS AND FOOTERS
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%% Make our quotes curly
%% Provides Creative Commons Icons
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%%%%%% Images
%% Needed for images; used for cover
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% METADATA and MACROS
%% Set Title from Yaml Metadata
%% Set subtitle if it exists in Yaml Metadata
%% Set author from Yaml Metadata
%% Set editor from Yaml Metadata
%% Set cover artist from Yaml Metadata
%% Set designer from Yaml Metadata
%% Set publisher from Yaml Metadata
%% Set website from Yaml Metadata
%% Use the year instead of the full date
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% START THE DOCUMENT
%% Start with the frontmatter
% These pages don't count for document page numbering
%%%% Create a cover page
% No headers or footers
% The image
% \incgraph[documentpaper]
% [height=\paperheight]{$cover-image$} % Fit to height
%% Stretch image to fit page
% [width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{$cover-image$}
% End the page
%% Create a titlepage
% No headers/footers
% Center everything
% Add a vertical space
% Write the Book Title
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% Add a vertical space
% Write the subtitle
\Large \primaryfont $subtitle$ \par
% Add a vertical space
% Write the author name
\Large \normalfont \sansfont \makeatletter \MakeUppercase\@author \makeatother \par
% Stop centering everythign
% End the page
%% Create a copyright page
% No headers/footers
% Center everything
% Use Sans font
% Write the Book Titlecopyright page
\makeatletter \small \@title \par \makeatother
% Write the CC logo, year, and author
Copyright \ccLogo\ \makeatletter \@date \ \@author \makeatother \par
Some rights reserved. \par
% Add a vertical space
% Write what country it was published in
Published in the United States by \par
% Write the publisher name
\publisher \par
% Write the website
\website \par
% Add a vertical space
% Write the specific license name
This book is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 License. \par
% Add a vertical space
% Write the Creative Commons Icons
% Stop centering everythign
% Write license text
\noindent \sansfont
That means you are free:
\item \textbf{To Share} -- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
\item \textbf{To Adapt} -- remix, transform, and build upon the material.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms: \par
\item \textbf{Attribution} -- You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. \par
% \item \textbf{NonCommercial} -- You may not use the material for commercial purposes. \par
\item \textbf{Share Alike} -- If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. \par
\textbf No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
% Add a vertical space
% Start centering again
% Attribute the cover artist
$for(contributors)$$if(contributors.artist)$ Cover Artist: \artist \par$endif$$endfor$
% Attribute the editor
$for(contributors)$$if(contributors.editor)$ Editor: \editor \par$endif$$endfor$
% Attribute the designer (hey, that's me)
$for(contributors)$$if(contributors.designer)$ Design: \designer \par$endif$$endfor$
% Add a vertical space
% If ISBNs are defined in Yaml front matter then write them here
$if(paperback-isbn)$Paperback ISBN: {$paperback-isbn$} \par $endif$
$if(hardcover-isbn)$HardcoverISBN: {$hardcover-isbn$}\par $endif$
$if(epub-isbn)$ePub ISBN: {$epub-isbn$} \par $endif$
% Stop centering
% End the page
%% Create a dedication page
% No headers/footers
% Center everything
% Vertically center
% Write the Book Title
\normalfont\normalsize $dedication$ \par
% Stop centering
% End the page
%% Create the chapters
% This styles the header/footer for normal 'chapter' pages
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% This says to start the page numbering
% Write the body/chapters
\primaryfont \normalsize \flushbottom $body$
%% Create the bio page
% add blank even page before backmatter starts
% Label as backmatter
% No headers/footers
% Add space before/after the page title
% This designs the page title
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% Don't indent new paragraphs
% Add space between paragraphs
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% Include the file(s) we specified via the pandoc command, in this case our bio.md
% End the document