All the template are now compiled at compile-time with the `ructe` crate. I preferred to use it instead of askama because it allows more complex Rust expressions, where askama only supports a small subset of expressions and doesn't allow them everywhere (for instance, `{{ macro!() | filter }}` would result in a parsing error). The diff is quite huge, but there is normally no changes in functionality. Fixes #161 and unblocks #110 and #273
31 lines
1001 B
31 lines
1001 B
use rocket::response::{Redirect, Flash};
use rocket_i18n::I18n;
use plume_common::utils;
use plume_models::{db_conn::DbConn, notifications::Notification, users::User};
use routes::Page;
use template_utils::Ructe;
pub fn paginated_notifications(conn: DbConn, user: User, page: Page, intl: I18n) -> Ructe {
&(&*conn, &intl.catalog, Some(user.clone())),
Notification::page_for_user(&*conn, &user, page.limits()),
Page::total(Notification::find_for_user(&*conn, &user).len() as i32)
pub fn notifications(conn: DbConn, user: User, intl: I18n) -> Ructe {
paginated_notifications(conn, user, Page::first(), intl)
#[get("/notifications", rank = 2)]
pub fn notifications_auth(i18n: I18n) -> Flash<Redirect>{
i18n!(i18n.catalog, "You need to be logged in order to see your notifications"),