Trinity Pointard b4e4b497ee Works on template
Use uri! to generate links instead of hardcoded urls
Fix invalid links needing to be POST forms
Translate login message for boost and like directly from template
Put js for search in its own file
2018-12-07 12:10:03 +01:00

31 lines
1.6 KiB

@use templates::base;
@use template_utils::*;
@use routes::*;
@(ctx: BaseContext, now: &str)
@:base(ctx, "Search", {}, {}, {
<h1>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Search")</h1>
<form method="get" id="form">
<input id="q" name="q" placeholder="Your query" type="search">
<summary>Advanced search</summary>
@input!(ctx.1, title (text), "Title matching these words", "placeholder=\"Title\"")
@input!(ctx.1, subtitle (text), "Subtitle matching these words", "placeholder=\"Subtitle\"")
@input!(ctx.1, content (text), "Content matching these words", "placeholder=\"Content\"")
@input!(ctx.1, after (date), "From this date", &format!("max={}", now))
@input!(ctx.1, before (date), "To this date", &format!("max={}", now))
@input!(ctx.1, tag (text), "Containing these tags", "placeholder=\"Tags\"")
@input!(ctx.1, instance (text), "Posted in one of these instances", "placeholder=\"Instance domain\"")
@input!(ctx.1, author (text), "Posted by one of these authors", "placeholder=\"Authors\"")
@input!(ctx.1, blog (text), "Posted in one of these blogs", "placeholder=\"Blog title\"")
@input!(ctx.1, lang (text), "Wrote in this language", "placeholder=\"Language\"")
@input!(ctx.1, license (text), "Using this license", "placeholder=\"License\"")
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
<script src="@uri!(static_files: file = "js/search.js")"></script>