Also adds a parameter to `md_to_html` to only render inline elements (so that we don't have titles or images in blog descriptions). And moves the delete button for the blog on the edition page. I still have to update the SQLite migration once others PRs with migrations will be merged. Also, there will be a problem when you edit a blog while not owning its banner or icon: when validating they will be reset to their default values… I don't see a good solution to this until we have a better way to handle uploads with Rocket (the same is probably happening for articles btw). And the icon/banner are not federated yet, I don't know if I should add it to this PR or if it can come after?   Fixes #453 Fixes #454
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@use validator::ValidationErrors;
@use plume_models::blogs::Blog;
@use plume_models::medias::Media;
@use routes::blogs;
@use routes::blogs::EditForm;
@use routes::medias;
@use template_utils::*;
@use templates::base;
@use templates::partials::image_select;
@(ctx: BaseContext, blog: &Blog, medias: Vec<Media>, form: &EditForm, errors: ValidationErrors)
@:base(ctx, i18n!(ctx.1, "Edit \"{}\""; &blog.title), {}, {
<a href="@uri!(blogs::details: name = &blog.fqn, page = _)">@blog.title</a>
}, {
<h1>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Edit \"{}\""; &blog.title)</h1>
<form method="post" action="@uri!(blogs::update: name = &blog.fqn)">
<!-- Rocket hack to use various HTTP methods -->
<input type=hidden name="_method" value="put">
@input!(ctx.1, title (text), "Title", form, errors.clone(), "minlenght=\"1\"")
<label for="summary">@i18n!(ctx.1, "Description")<small>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Markdown syntax is supported")</small></label>
<textarea id="summary" name="summary" rows="20">@form.summary</textarea>
@i18n!(ctx.1, "You can upload images to your gallery, to use them as blog icons or banners.")
<a href="@uri!(medias::new)">@i18n!(ctx.1, "Upload images")</a>
@:image_select(ctx, "icon", i18n!(ctx.1, "Blog icon"), true, medias.clone(), form.icon)
@:image_select(ctx, "banner", i18n!(ctx.1, "Blog banner"), true, medias, form.banner)
<input type="submit" value="@i18n!(ctx.1, "Update blog")"/>
<h2>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Danger zone")</h2>
<p>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be reversed.")</p>
<form method="post" action="@uri!(blogs::delete: name = &blog.fqn)">
<input type="submit" class="inline-block button destructive" value="@i18n!(ctx.1, "Permanently delete this blog")">
}) |