116 lines
3.9 KiB
116 lines
3.9 KiB
use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
use heck::KebabCase;
use rocket::request::Form;
use rocket::response::{Redirect, Flash};
use rocket_contrib::Template;
use serde_json;
use activity_pub::{broadcast, context, activity_pub, ActivityPub, object::Object};
use db_conn::DbConn;
use models::{
use utils;
use safe_string::SafeString;
#[get("/~/<blog>/<slug>", rank = 4)]
fn details(blog: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn, user: Option<User>) -> Template {
may_fail!(Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog), "Couldn't find this blog", |blog| {
may_fail!(Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug, blog.id), "Couldn't find this post", |post| {
let comments = Comment::find_by_post(&*conn, post.id);
Template::render("posts/details", json!({
"author": post.get_authors(&*conn)[0].to_json(&*conn),
"post": post,
"blog": blog,
"comments": comments.into_iter().map(|c| c.to_json(&*conn)).collect::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>(),
"n_likes": post.get_likes(&*conn).len(),
"has_liked": user.clone().map(|u| u.has_liked(&*conn, &post)).unwrap_or(false),
"n_reshares": post.get_reshares(&*conn).len(),
"has_reshared": user.clone().map(|u| u.has_reshared(&*conn, &post)).unwrap_or(false),
"account": user,
"date": &post.creation_date.timestamp()
#[get("/~/<blog>/<slug>", rank = 3, format = "application/activity+json")]
fn activity_details(blog: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn) -> ActivityPub {
let blog = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog).unwrap();
let post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug, blog.id).unwrap();
let mut act = post.serialize(&*conn);
act["@context"] = context();
#[get("/~/<blog>/new", rank = 2)]
fn new_auth(blog: String) -> Flash<Redirect> {
utils::requires_login("You need to be logged in order to write a new post", uri!(new: blog = blog))
#[get("/~/<blog>/new", rank = 1)]
fn new(blog: String, user: User) -> Template {
Template::render("posts/new", json!({
"account": user
struct NewPostForm {
pub title: String,
pub content: String,
pub license: String
#[post("/~/<blog_name>/new", data = "<data>")]
fn create(blog_name: String, data: Form<NewPostForm>, user: User, conn: DbConn) -> Redirect {
let blog = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog_name.to_string()).unwrap();
let form = data.get();
let slug = form.title.to_string().to_kebab_case();
if slug == "new" || Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug.clone(), blog.id).is_some() {
Redirect::to(uri!(new: blog = blog_name))
} else {
let content = markdown_to_html(form.content.to_string().as_ref(), &ComrakOptions{
smart: true,
safe: true,
ext_strikethrough: true,
ext_tagfilter: true,
ext_table: true,
ext_autolink: true,
ext_tasklist: true,
ext_superscript: true,
ext_header_ids: Some("title".to_string()),
ext_footnotes: true,
let post = Post::insert(&*conn, NewPost {
blog_id: blog.id,
slug: slug.to_string(),
title: form.title.to_string(),
content: SafeString::new(&content),
published: true,
license: form.license.to_string(),
ap_url: "".to_string()
PostAuthor::insert(&*conn, NewPostAuthor {
post_id: post.id,
author_id: user.id
let act = post.create_activity(&*conn);
broadcast(&*conn, &user, act, user.get_followers(&*conn));
Redirect::to(uri!(details: blog = blog_name, slug = slug))