* Theming - Custom CSS for blogs - Custom themes for instance - New dark theme - UI to choose your instance theme - Option to disable blog themes if you prefer to only have the instance theme - UI to choose a blog theme
30 lines
585 B
30 lines
585 B
// Color Scheme
$gray: #F3F3F3;
$black: #242424;
$white: #F8F8F8;
$purple: #7765E3;
$lightpurple: #c2bbee;
$red: #E92F2F;
$yellow: #ffe347;
$green: #23f0c7;
$background: $white;
$form-input-background: white;
$form-input-border: $black;
$text-color: $black;
$primary: $purple;
$primary-text-color: $white; // text color on primary background (buttons for instance)
$success-color: $green;
// Dimensions
$article-width: 70ch;
$horizontal-margin: 20%;
$margin: 0 $horizontal-margin;
// Fonts
$route159: "Route159", serif;
$playfair: "Playfair Display", serif;
$lora: "Lora", serif;