Fix #286 Remove indexed from post_id search field as it was added by mistake
204 lines
6.5 KiB
204 lines
6.5 KiB
use super::request;
use base64;
use chrono::{DateTime, Duration,
naive::NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use hex;
use openssl::{pkey::PKey, rsa::Rsa, sha::sha256};
use rocket::http::HeaderMap;
use serde_json;
/// Returns (public key, private key)
pub fn gen_keypair() -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
let keypair = Rsa::generate(2048).expect("sign::gen_keypair: key generation error");
let keypair = PKey::from_rsa(keypair).expect("sign::gen_keypair: parsing error");
.expect("sign::gen_keypair: public key encoding error"),
.expect("sign::gen_keypair: private key encoding error"),
pub trait Signer {
fn get_key_id(&self) -> String;
/// Sign some data with the signer keypair
fn sign(&self, to_sign: &str) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Verify if the signature is valid
fn verify(&self, data: &str, signature: &[u8]) -> bool;
pub trait Signable {
fn sign<T>(&mut self, creator: &T) -> &mut Self
T: Signer;
fn verify<T>(self, creator: &T) -> bool
T: Signer;
fn hash(data: &str) -> String {
let bytes = data.as_bytes();
impl Signable for serde_json::Value {
fn sign<T: Signer>(&mut self, creator: &T) -> &mut serde_json::Value {
let creation_date = Utc::now().to_rfc3339();
let mut options = json!({
"type": "RsaSignature2017",
"creator": creator.get_key_id(),
"created": creation_date
let options_hash = Self::hash(
"@context": "https://w3id.org/identity/v1",
"created": creation_date
let document_hash = Self::hash(&self.to_string());
let to_be_signed = options_hash + &document_hash;
let signature = base64::encode(&creator.sign(&to_be_signed));
options["signatureValue"] = serde_json::Value::String(signature);
self["signature"] = options;
fn verify<T: Signer>(mut self, creator: &T) -> bool {
let signature_obj =
if let Some(sig) = self.as_object_mut().and_then(|o| o.remove("signature")) {
} else {
//signature not present
return false;
let signature = if let Ok(sig) =
} else {
return false;
let creation_date = &signature_obj["created"];
let options_hash = Self::hash(
"@context": "https://w3id.org/identity/v1",
"created": creation_date
let creation_date = creation_date.as_str();
if creation_date.is_none() {
return false;
let creation_date = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(creation_date.unwrap());
if creation_date.is_err() {
return false;
let diff = creation_date.unwrap().signed_duration_since(Utc::now());
let future = Duration::hours(12);
let past = Duration::hours(-12);
if !(diff < future && diff > past) {
return false;
let document_hash = Self::hash(&self.to_string());
let to_be_signed = options_hash + &document_hash;
creator.verify(&to_be_signed, &signature)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum SignatureValidity {
impl SignatureValidity {
pub fn is_secure(self) -> bool {
self == SignatureValidity::Valid
pub fn verify_http_headers<S: Signer + ::std::fmt::Debug>(
sender: &S,
all_headers: &HeaderMap,
data: &str,
) -> SignatureValidity {
let sig_header = all_headers.get_one("Signature");
if sig_header.is_none() {
return SignatureValidity::Absent;
let sig_header = sig_header.expect("sign::verify_http_headers: unreachable");
let mut _key_id = None;
let mut _algorithm = None;
let mut headers = None;
let mut signature = None;
for part in sig_header.split(',') {
match part {
part if part.starts_with("keyId=") => _key_id = Some(&part[7..part.len() - 1]),
part if part.starts_with("algorithm=") => _algorithm = Some(&part[11..part.len() - 1]),
part if part.starts_with("headers=") => headers = Some(&part[9..part.len() - 1]),
part if part.starts_with("signature=") => signature = Some(&part[11..part.len() - 1]),
_ => {}
if signature.is_none() || headers.is_none() {
//missing part of the header
return SignatureValidity::Invalid;
let headers = headers
.expect("sign::verify_http_headers: unreachable")
let signature = signature.expect("sign::verify_http_headers: unreachable");
let h = headers
.map(|header| (header, all_headers.get_one(header)))
.map(|(header, value)| format!("{}: {}", header.to_lowercase(), value.unwrap_or("")))
if !sender.verify(&h, &base64::decode(signature).unwrap_or_default()) {
return SignatureValidity::Invalid;
if !headers.contains(&"digest") {
// signature is valid, but body content is not verified
return SignatureValidity::ValidNoDigest;
let digest = all_headers.get_one("digest").unwrap_or("");
let digest = request::Digest::from_header(digest);
if !digest.map(|d| d.verify(&data)).unwrap_or(false) {
// signature was valid, but body content does not match its digest
return SignatureValidity::Invalid;
if !headers.contains(&"date") {
return SignatureValidity::Valid; //maybe we shouldn't trust a request without date?
let date = all_headers.get_one("date");
if date.is_none() {
return SignatureValidity::Outdated;
let date = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(date.unwrap(), "%a, %d %h %Y %T GMT");
if date.is_err() {
return SignatureValidity::Outdated;
let diff = Utc::now().naive_utc() - date.unwrap();
let future = Duration::hours(12);
let past = Duration::hours(-12);
if diff < future && diff > past {
} else {