use std::io; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::env; use walkdir::WalkDir; use std::process::Command; use std::ffi::OsStr; use colorize::AnsiColor; use dirs; use pandoc::PandocError; use dokugile::template; use rust_i18n::t; use include_dir::{include_dir, Dir}; rust_i18n::i18n!("locales"); struct Project { wiki_path: String, doc_path: String, doc_title: String, output_dir: String, } impl Project { fn new(wiki_path: String, doc_path: String, doc_title:String, output_dir: String) -> Project { Project { wiki_path, doc_path, doc_title, output_dir, } } } fn main() { const NAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"); const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); const REPO: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"); println!("{} {}\n{}\n",NAME.b_magenta(), VERSION.b_magenta(), REPO.b_blue()); static ASSETS_DIR: Dir<'_> = include_dir!("$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/assets"); let _ = set_lang(); let mut wiki_path = String::new(); let mut doc_path = String::new(); let mut doc_title = String::new(); let mut output_dir = String::new(); let mut attempts: i8 = 0; while !Path::new(&doc_path).exists() || doc_title.trim().is_empty(){ doc_path = String::new(); let mut input = String::new(); println!("{}:", t!("Project name")); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect(&t!("Failed to read line")); let root = env::var("HOME").unwrap().to_string()+"/"; let user_documents_path = dirs::document_dir().unwrap().display().to_string(); let user_doc_dir = user_documents_path.split("/").collect::>().last().unwrap().to_string(); while !Path::new(&wiki_path).exists() { let mut project_dir = String::new(); println!("{}:[{}/Wiki] ", t!("Project location"), &user_doc_dir); io::stdin().read_line(&mut project_dir).expect(&t!("Failed to read line")); if project_dir.trim().is_empty() { project_dir = String::from(user_doc_dir.clone()+"/Wiki") }; wiki_path = root.clone()+project_dir.trim(); if !Path::new(&wiki_path).exists(){ let mut ans = String::new(); println!("{}", t!("Do you want to create a new location called %{s} for the documents?(y/n)[Y]", s = &project_dir.trim().to_owned().green().bold())); io::stdin().read_line(&mut ans).expect("Failed to read line"); if ans.trim().is_empty() { ans = String::from("Y") }; match ans.trim() { "y" | "yes" | "Y" | "B" | "Bai" => { //let _ = fs::create_dir(&wiki_path); let _ = mkdir(&wiki_path); println!("{}.", t!("Location %{s} has been created", s = &project_dir.trim().to_owned().green().bold())); }, _ => continue, }; } } if input.trim().is_empty(){ attempts += 1; } if attempts == 3 { break }; doc_title = input.to_string(); output_dir = input.trim_end().to_owned()+"_html"; doc_path.push_str(&wiki_path); doc_path.push_str("/"); doc_path.push_str(&doc_title.trim_end()); //doc_path.push_str(&capitalize_first_letter(&doc_title.trim_end())); let res_path = wiki_path.clone()+"/res"; if !Path::new(&doc_path).exists() || !Path::new(&res_path).exists(){ // extract assets to temporary directory let _ = ASSETS_DIR.extract("/tmp/assets"); let mut ans = String::new(); if !Path::new(&doc_path).exists() { println!("{}", t!("The project %{s} has not been found. Do you want to create it?(y/n)[Y]", s = &input.trim().to_owned().green().bold())); io::stdin().read_line(&mut ans).expect(&t!("Failed to read line")); } if ans.trim().is_empty() { ans = String::from("Y") }; match ans.trim() { "y" | "yes" | "Y" | "B" | "Bai" => { let _ = mkdir(&doc_path); // create resources for entry in WalkDir::new("/tmp/assets").into_iter().filter_map(|e| e.ok()) { let input_entry = String::from(entry.path().strip_prefix("/tmp/assets").expect(&t!("Path not found")).display().to_string()); let subdirs = wiki_path.to_string()+"/"+&input_entry; let images = wiki_path.to_string()+"/"+&doc_title.trim()+"/"+&input_entry; if entry.path().is_dir(){ match Path::new(&input_entry).to_str() { Some("images") => { //create images directory let _ = mkdir(&images); }, Some(..) => { //create resources and its subdirectories let _ = mkdir(&subdirs); }, _ => continue }; }else if entry.path().is_file(){ let source = String::from(entry.path().display().to_string()); match Path::new(&input_entry).to_str() { Some(d) if d.contains("images/")=>{ //copy sample-image to images folder let _ = copy(&source, &images); }, Some(..) => { //copy files from all other directories let _ = copy(&source, &subdirs); }, _ => continue }; } } println!("{}.", t!("Project %{s} has been created. Now you can edit file and create content", s = &input.trim().to_owned().green().bold())); //remove temporary created assets directory let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(Path::new("/tmp/assets")); }, _ => continue, }; } let index = doc_path.to_string()+"/"; if !Path::new(&index).exists(){ let _ = touch(&index, &template()); }; } let res = processing(Project::new(wiki_path.clone(), doc_path.clone(), doc_title, output_dir)); match res { Err(e) => println!("{}", t!("The operation failed with error %{s}", s = e)), Ok(e) => println!("{}", e) }; } fn mkdir(dir: &String) -> std::io::Result<()>{ let _ = fs::create_dir(dir)?; Ok(()) } fn touch(file: &String, content: &String) -> std::io::Result<()>{ fs::write(file, content)?; Ok(()) } fn copy(source: &String, dest: &String) -> std::io::Result<()> { fs::copy(source, dest)?; Ok(()) } /* fn capitalize_first_letter(s: &str) -> String { s[0..1].to_uppercase() + &s[1..] } */ fn processing(project: Project) -> Result{ let mut md_count :i32 = 0; let mut error = String::new(); for entry in WalkDir::new(&project.doc_path).into_iter().filter_map(|e| e.ok()) { if entry.path().is_dir(){ let input_entry = String::from(entry.path().display().to_string()); let doc_title: String = "/".to_string()+&project.doc_title.trim_end(); let output_dir: String = "/".to_string()+ &project.output_dir.trim_end(); //replace project-directory to project-directory_html(e.g. "Test" to "Test_html") let new_entry = input_entry.replace(&doc_title, &output_dir); //create output _html directory and subdirectories except images dir match &entry.path().file_name() { Some(p) if *p != "images"=> { let _ = mkdir(&new_entry); }, _ => continue, }; }else if entry.path().is_file(){ if let Some(extension) = entry.path().extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) { //filter md files match extension { "md" => { //md_count += 1; println!("{}", t!("found... %{s}", s = entry.path().display())); let conv = md_to_html(entry.path(), &project.doc_title, &project.output_dir, &project.wiki_path); match conv { Ok(()) => md_count += 1, Err(e) => { //println!("{}", e); error = e.to_string(); break; }, }; }, _ => (), }; }; }; }; if error.is_empty() { if md_count == 0 { println!("{}", t!("No markdown files found!")); println!("{}", t!("Pleade edit first your documents in markdown format and come back to convert them to html. Bye!")); }else{ println!("{}", t!("Processed markdown files.. %{s}", s = md_count)); } let mut index = project.wiki_path.to_owned()+"/"+&project.output_dir.trim_end(); index.push_str("/index.html"); sanitize(Path::new(&index)); //Ok("Success") let link = String::from("file://".to_owned()+&index).b_blue(); let message:String = String::from(t!("Congrats! Check your documentation at.. %{s}", s = &link)); Ok(message) }else{ //Err(std::stringify!(error)) Err(error) } } fn md_to_html(input_file: &Path, doc_title: &String, output_dir: &String, wiki_path: &String) -> Result<(), PandocError>{ let page_title: String = "pagetitle=".to_string()+*&doc_title.trim_end(); let doc_title: String = "/".to_string()+*&doc_title.trim_end(); let output_dir: String = "/".to_string()+ *&output_dir.trim_end(); let output_file = input_file.display().to_string().replace(&doc_title, &output_dir).replace(".md", ".html"); let base_path = wiki_path.to_owned()+&doc_title; let res_path = wiki_path.to_owned()+&"/res:".to_string(); let mut pandoc = pandoc::new(); pandoc.add_input(&input_file); pandoc.arg("resource-path", &res_path); //for css and javascript resources pandoc.arg("resource-path", &base_path); //for image search pandoc.arg("include-after-body", "buttons.html"); pandoc.arg("css", "css/theme.css"); pandoc.arg("css", "css/sidebar.css"); pandoc.arg("css", "css/buttons.css"); pandoc.arg("embed-resources", "true"); pandoc.arg("standalone", "true"); pandoc.arg("shift-heading-level-by", "-1"); pandoc.set_number_sections(); pandoc.set_toc(); pandoc.arg("toc-depth", "4"); pandoc.arg("metadata", &page_title); pandoc.set_output(pandoc::OutputKind::File(output_file.into())); //pandoc.execute().unwrap(); match pandoc.execute() { Ok(..) => Ok(()), Err(PandocError::PandocNotFound) => Err(PandocError::PandocNotFound), Err(PandocError::IoErr(e)) => Err(PandocError::IoErr(e)), Err(PandocError::Err(e)) => Err(PandocError::Err(e)), Err(PandocError::NoInputSpecified) => Err(PandocError::NoInputSpecified), Err(PandocError::BadUtf8Conversion(e)) => Err(PandocError::BadUtf8Conversion(e)), Err(PandocError::NoOutputSpecified) => Err(PandocError::NoOutputSpecified) } } fn sanitize(index: &Path){ if index.exists(){ //convert page links from ".md" to ".html" in the index.html file Command::new("sed") .args(["-i", r"-e s/\.md/\.html/g", &index.display().to_string()]) .status() .expect(&t!("sed command failed start")); }else{ println!("{}", t!("Please consider renaming your main page to and restart the document conversion again. See you later!")); }; } fn set_lang(){ let default = String::from("en_US"); // default locale let locales = rust_i18n::available_locales!(); // available locales let lang:String = match env::var("LANG") { // find out user's lang Ok(val) => match val { v if !v.is_empty() && locales.iter().any(|e| v.contains(e)) => v[..5].to_string(), _ => default } , Err(..) => default, }; rust_i18n::set_locale(&lang); // set user lang }