openapi: "3.0" info: version: "1.0.0" title: "Plume REST API" servers: - url: http://localhost:7878/api/v1 description: Your local instance - url: description: Demo instance paths: /posts/{id}: get: description: Retrieves a post by its ID. responses: '200': The post was found '403': The post exists, but you don't have the rights to fetch it (it is probably a private draft) '404': The post was not found /posts/: get: description: List posts. definitions: Post: type: "object" properties: title: type: "string" example: "Hello, world!" id: type: "integer" format: "int64" example: 42 subtitle: type: "string" example: "My first post." content: type: "string" format: "

This is my first post. Thanks for reading.
