use crate::{ ap_url, db_conn::DbConn, instance::Instance, notifications::*, schema::follows, users::User, Connection, Error, Result, CONFIG, }; use activitypub::activity::Follow as FollowAct; use activitystreams::{ activity::{Accept, ActorAndObjectRef, Follow as FollowAct07, Undo}, base::AnyBase, iri_string::types::IriString, prelude::*, }; use diesel::{self, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, SaveChangesDsl}; use plume_common::activity_pub::{ broadcast07, inbox::{AsActor, AsObject, FromId}, sign::Signer, Id, IntoId, PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, }; #[derive(Clone, Queryable, Identifiable, Associations, AsChangeset)] #[belongs_to(User, foreign_key = "following_id")] pub struct Follow { pub id: i32, pub follower_id: i32, pub following_id: i32, pub ap_url: String, } #[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name = "follows"] pub struct NewFollow { pub follower_id: i32, pub following_id: i32, pub ap_url: String, } impl Follow { insert!( follows, NewFollow, |inserted, conn| if inserted.ap_url.is_empty() { inserted.ap_url = ap_url(&format!("{}/follows/{}", CONFIG.base_url,; inserted.save_changes(conn).map_err(Error::from) } else { Ok(inserted) } ); get!(follows); find_by!(follows, find_by_ap_url, ap_url as &str); pub fn find(conn: &Connection, from: i32, to: i32) -> Result { follows::table .filter(follows::follower_id.eq(from)) .filter(follows::following_id.eq(to)) .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn to_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let user = User::get(conn, self.follower_id)?; let target = User::get(conn, self.following_id)?; let mut act = FollowAct::default(); act.follow_props.set_actor_link::(user.into_id())?; act.follow_props .set_object_link::(target.clone().into_id())?; act.object_props.set_id_string(self.ap_url.clone())?; act.object_props.set_to_link_vec(vec![target.into_id()])?; act.object_props .set_cc_link_vec(vec![Id::new(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.to_string())])?; Ok(act) } pub fn to_activity07(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let user = User::get(conn, self.follower_id)?; let target = User::get(conn, self.following_id)?; let target_id = target.ap_url.parse::()?; let mut act = FollowAct07::new(user.ap_url.parse::()?, target_id.clone()); act.set_id(self.ap_url.parse::()?); act.set_many_tos(vec![target_id]); act.set_many_ccs(vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]); Ok(act) } pub fn notify(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { if User::get(conn, self.following_id)?.is_local() { Notification::insert( conn, NewNotification { kind: notification_kind::FOLLOW.to_string(), object_id:, user_id: self.following_id, }, )?; } Ok(()) } /// from -> The one sending the follow request /// target -> The target of the request, responding with Accept pub fn accept_follow07 + IntoId, T>( conn: &Connection, from: &B, target: &A, follow: FollowAct07, from_id: i32, target_id: i32, ) -> Result { let res = Follow::insert( conn, NewFollow { follower_id: from_id, following_id: target_id, ap_url: follow .id_unchecked() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_string(), }, )?; res.notify(conn)?; let accept = res.build_accept07(from, target, follow)?; broadcast07( &*target, accept, vec![from.clone()], CONFIG.proxy().cloned(), ); Ok(res) } pub fn build_accept07 + IntoId, T>( &self, from: &B, target: &A, follow: FollowAct07, ) -> Result { let mut accept = Accept::new( target.clone().into_id().parse::()?, AnyBase::from_extended(follow)?, ); let accept_id = ap_url(&format!( "{}/follows/{}/accept", CONFIG.base_url.as_str(), )); accept.set_id(accept_id.parse::()?); accept.set_many_tos(vec![from.clone().into_id().parse::()?]); accept.set_many_ccs(vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]); Ok(accept) } pub fn build_undo07(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut undo = Undo::new( User::get(conn, self.follower_id)? .ap_url .parse::()?, self.ap_url.parse::()?, ); undo.set_id(format!("{}/undo", self.ap_url).parse::()?); undo.set_many_tos(vec![User::get(conn, self.following_id)? .ap_url .parse::()?]); undo.set_many_ccs(vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]); Ok(undo) } } impl AsObject for User { type Error = Error; type Output = Follow; fn activity07(self, conn: &DbConn, actor: User, id: &str) -> Result { // Mastodon (at least) requires the full Follow object when accepting it, // so we rebuilt it here let mut follow = FollowAct07::new(id.parse::()?, actor.ap_url.parse::()?); follow.set_id(id.parse::()?); Follow::accept_follow07(conn, &actor, &self, follow,, } } impl FromId for Follow { type Error = Error; type Object = FollowAct07; fn from_db07(conn: &DbConn, id: &str) -> Result { Follow::find_by_ap_url(conn, id) } fn from_activity07(conn: &DbConn, follow: FollowAct07) -> Result { let actor = User::from_id( conn, follow .actor_field_ref() .as_single_id() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .as_str(), None, CONFIG.proxy(), ) .map_err(|(_, e)| e)?; let target = User::from_id( conn, follow .object_field_ref() .as_single_id() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .as_str(), None, CONFIG.proxy(), ) .map_err(|(_, e)| e)?; Follow::accept_follow07(conn, &actor, &target, follow,, } fn get_sender07() -> &'static dyn Signer { Instance::get_local_instance_user().expect("Failed to local instance user") } } impl AsObject for Follow { type Error = Error; type Output = (); fn activity07(self, conn: &DbConn, actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result<()> { let conn = conn; if self.follower_id == { diesel::delete(&self).execute(&**conn)?; // delete associated notification if any if let Ok(notif) = Notification::find(conn, notification_kind::FOLLOW, { diesel::delete(¬if).execute(&**conn)?; } Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::Unauthorized) } } } impl IntoId for Follow { fn into_id(self) -> Id { Id::new(self.ap_url) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{tests::db, users::tests as user_tests, users::tests::fill_database}; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_eq; use diesel::Connection; use serde_json::{json, to_value}; fn prepare_activity(conn: &DbConn) -> (Follow, User, User, Vec) { let users = fill_database(conn); let following = &users[1]; let follower = &users[2]; let mut follow = Follow::insert( conn, NewFollow { follower_id:, following_id:, ap_url: "".into(), }, ) .unwrap(); // following.ap_url = format!("{}",; follow.ap_url = format!("{}",; (follow, following.to_owned(), follower.to_owned(), users) } #[test] fn test_id() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let users = user_tests::fill_database(&conn); let follow = Follow::insert( &conn, NewFollow { follower_id: users[0].id, following_id: users[1].id, ap_url: String::new(), }, ) .expect("Couldn't insert new follow"); assert_eq!( follow.ap_url, format!("https://{}/follows/{}", CONFIG.base_url, ); let follow = Follow::insert( &conn, NewFollow { follower_id: users[1].id, following_id: users[0].id, ap_url: String::from("https://some.url/"), }, ) .expect("Couldn't insert new follow"); assert_eq!(follow.ap_url, String::from("https://some.url/")); Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn to_activity() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (follow, _following, _follower, _users) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = follow.to_activity(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}",, "object": "", "to": [""], "type": "Follow" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn to_activity07() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (follow, _following, _follower, _users) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = follow.to_activity07(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}",, "object": "", "to": [""], "type": "Follow" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn build_accept07() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (follow, following, follower, _users) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = follow.build_accept07(&follower, &following, follow.to_activity07(&conn)?)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}/accept",, "object": { "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}",, "object": "", "to": [""], "type": "Follow" }, "to": [""], "type": "Accept" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn build_undo07() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (follow, _following, _follower, _users) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = follow.build_undo07(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}/undo",, "object": format!("{}",, "to": [""], "type": "Undo" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } }