#![feature(never_type)] #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)] #![feature(box_patterns)] #[macro_use] extern crate diesel; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate plume_macro; #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; extern crate serde_derive; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; #[macro_use] extern crate tantivy; pub use lettre; pub use lettre::smtp; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use plume_common::activity_pub::{inbox::InboxError, request, sign}; use posts::PostEvent; use riker::actors::{channel, ActorSystem, ChannelRef, SystemBuilder}; use users::UserEvent; #[cfg(not(any(feature = "sqlite", feature = "postgres")))] compile_error!("Either feature \"sqlite\" or \"postgres\" must be enabled for this crate."); #[cfg(all(feature = "sqlite", feature = "postgres"))] compile_error!("Either feature \"sqlite\" or \"postgres\" must be enabled for this crate."); #[cfg(all(feature = "sqlite", not(feature = "postgres")))] pub type Connection = diesel::SqliteConnection; #[cfg(all(not(feature = "sqlite"), feature = "postgres"))] pub type Connection = diesel::PgConnection; pub(crate) static ACTOR_SYS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { SystemBuilder::new() .name("plume") .create() .expect("Failed to create actor system") }); pub(crate) static USER_CHAN: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| channel("user_events", &*ACTOR_SYS).expect("Failed to create user channel")); pub(crate) static POST_CHAN: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| channel("post_events", &*ACTOR_SYS).expect("Failed to create post channel")); /// All the possible errors that can be encoutered in this crate #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Blocklisted(bool, String), Db(diesel::result::Error), Inbox(Box>), InvalidValue, Io(std::io::Error), MissingApProperty, NotFound, Request, SerDe, Search(search::SearcherError), Signature, TimelineQuery(timeline::query::QueryError), Unauthorized, Url, Webfinger, Expired, UserAlreadyExists, } impl From for Error { fn from(_: bcrypt::BcryptError) -> Self { Error::Signature } } pub const ITEMS_PER_PAGE: i32 = 12; impl From for Error { fn from(_: openssl::error::ErrorStack) -> Self { Error::Signature } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: sign::Error) -> Self { Error::Signature } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: diesel::result::Error) -> Self { Error::Db(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: url::ParseError) -> Self { Error::Url } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: serde_json::Error) -> Self { Error::SerDe } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: reqwest::Error) -> Self { Error::Request } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: reqwest::header::InvalidHeaderValue) -> Self { Error::Request } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: activitypub::Error) -> Self { match err { activitypub::Error::NotFound => Error::MissingApProperty, _ => Error::SerDe, } } } impl From for Error { fn from(_: webfinger::WebfingerError) -> Self { Error::Webfinger } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: search::SearcherError) -> Self { Error::Search(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: timeline::query::QueryError) -> Self { Error::TimelineQuery(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self { Error::Io(err) } } impl From> for Error { fn from(err: InboxError) -> Error { match err { InboxError::InvalidActor(Some(e)) | InboxError::InvalidObject(Some(e)) => e, e => Error::Inbox(Box::new(e)), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(_err: request::Error) -> Error { Error::Request } } pub type Result = std::result::Result; /// Adds a function to a model, that returns the first /// matching row for a given list of fields. /// /// Usage: /// /// ```rust /// impl Model { /// find_by!(model_table, name_of_the_function, field1 as String, field2 as i32); /// } /// /// // Get the Model with field1 == "", and field2 == 0 /// Model::name_of_the_function(connection, String::new(), 0); /// ``` macro_rules! find_by { ($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ty),+) => { /// Try to find a $table with a given $col pub fn $fn(conn: &crate::Connection, $($col: $type),+) -> Result { $table::table $(.filter($table::$col.eq($col)))+ .first(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } }; } /// List all rows of a model, with field-based filtering. /// /// Usage: /// /// ```rust /// impl Model { /// list_by!(model_table, name_of_the_function, field1 as String); /// } /// /// // To get all Models with field1 == "" /// Model::name_of_the_function(connection, String::new()); /// ``` macro_rules! list_by { ($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ty),+) => { /// Try to find a $table with a given $col pub fn $fn(conn: &crate::Connection, $($col: $type),+) -> Result> { $table::table $(.filter($table::$col.eq($col)))+ .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } }; } /// Adds a function to a model to retrieve a row by ID /// /// # Usage /// /// ```rust /// impl Model { /// get!(model_table); /// } /// /// // Get the Model with ID 1 /// Model::get(connection, 1); /// ``` macro_rules! get { ($table:ident) => { pub fn get(conn: &crate::Connection, id: i32) -> Result { $table::table .filter($table::id.eq(id)) .first(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } }; } /// Adds a function to a model to insert a new row /// /// # Usage /// /// ```rust /// impl Model { /// insert!(model_table, NewModelType); /// } /// /// // Insert a new row /// Model::insert(connection, NewModelType::new()); /// ``` macro_rules! insert { ($table:ident, $from:ty) => { insert!($table, $from, |x, _conn| Ok(x)); }; ($table:ident, $from:ty, |$val:ident, $conn:ident | $( $after:tt )+) => { last!($table); #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn insert(conn: &crate::Connection, new: $from) -> Result { diesel::insert_into($table::table) .values(new) .execute(conn)?; #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut $val = Self::last(conn)?; let $conn = conn; $( $after )+ } }; } /// Returns the last row of a table. /// /// # Usage /// /// ```rust /// impl Model { /// last!(model_table); /// } /// /// // Get the last Model /// Model::last(connection) /// ``` macro_rules! last { ($table:ident) => { #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn last(conn: &crate::Connection) -> Result { $table::table .order_by($table::id.desc()) .first(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } }; } mod config; pub use config::CONFIG; pub fn ap_url(url: &str) -> String { format!("https://{}", url) } pub trait SmtpNewWithAddr { fn new_with_addr( addr: (&str, u16), ) -> std::result::Result; } impl SmtpNewWithAddr for smtp::SmtpClient { // Stolen from lettre::smtp::SmtpClient::new_simple() fn new_with_addr(addr: (&str, u16)) -> std::result::Result { use native_tls::TlsConnector; use smtp::{ client::net::{ClientTlsParameters, DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOLS}, ClientSecurity, SmtpClient, }; let (domain, port) = addr; let mut tls_builder = TlsConnector::builder(); tls_builder.min_protocol_version(Some(DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOLS[0])); let tls_parameters = ClientTlsParameters::new(domain.to_string(), tls_builder.build().unwrap()); SmtpClient::new((domain, port), ClientSecurity::Wrapper(tls_parameters)) } } #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] mod tests { use crate::{db_conn, migrations::IMPORTED_MIGRATIONS, Connection as Conn, CONFIG}; use chrono::{naive::NaiveDateTime, Datelike, Timelike}; use diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager; use plume_common::utils::random_hex; use std::env::temp_dir; #[macro_export] macro_rules! part_eq { ( $x:expr, $y:expr, [$( $var:ident ),*] ) => { { $( assert_eq!($x.$var, $y.$var); )* } }; } pub fn db<'a>() -> db_conn::DbConn { db_conn::DbConn((*DB_POOL).get().unwrap()) } lazy_static! { static ref DB_POOL: db_conn::DbPool = { let pool = db_conn::DbPool::builder() .connection_customizer(Box::new(db_conn::tests::TestConnectionCustomizer)) .build(ConnectionManager::::new(CONFIG.database_url.as_str())) .unwrap(); let dir = temp_dir().join(format!("plume-test-{}", random_hex())); IMPORTED_MIGRATIONS .run_pending_migrations(&pool.get().unwrap(), &dir) .expect("Migrations error"); pool }; } #[cfg(feature = "postgres")] pub(crate) fn format_datetime(dt: &NaiveDateTime) -> String { format!( "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}T{:02}:{:02}:{:02}.{:06}Z", dt.year(), dt.month(), dt.day(), dt.hour(), dt.minute(), dt.second(), dt.timestamp_subsec_micros() ) } #[cfg(feature = "sqlite")] pub(crate) fn format_datetime(dt: &NaiveDateTime) -> String { format!( "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}T{:02}:{:02}:{:02}Z", dt.year(), dt.month(), dt.day(), dt.hour(), dt.minute(), dt.second() ) } } pub mod admin; pub mod api_tokens; pub mod apps; pub mod blocklisted_emails; pub mod blog_authors; pub mod blogs; pub mod comment_seers; pub mod comments; pub mod db_conn; pub mod email_signups; pub mod follows; pub mod headers; pub mod inbox; pub mod instance; pub mod likes; pub mod lists; pub mod medias; pub mod mentions; pub mod migrations; pub mod notifications; pub mod password_reset_requests; pub mod plume_rocket; pub mod post_authors; pub mod posts; pub mod remote_fetch_actor; pub mod reshares; pub mod safe_string; #[allow(unused_imports)] pub mod schema; pub mod search; pub mod signups; pub mod tags; pub mod timeline; pub mod users; pub use plume_rocket::PlumeRocket;