use rocket::{ request::Form, response::{Redirect, Flash} }; use rocket_contrib::Template; use activity_pub::broadcast; use db_conn::DbConn; use models::{ comments::*, posts::Post, users::User }; use utils; use safe_string::SafeString; #[get("/~/<_blog>//comment")] fn new(_blog: String, slug: String, user: User, conn: DbConn) -> Template { let post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug).unwrap(); Template::render("comments/new", json!({ "post": post, "account": user })) } #[get("/~///comment", rank=2)] fn new_auth(blog: String, slug: String) -> Flash{ utils::requires_login("You need to be logged in order to post a comment", &format!("~/{}/{}/comment", blog, slug)) } #[derive(FromForm)] struct CommentQuery { responding_to: Option } #[derive(FromForm)] struct NewCommentForm { pub content: String } #[post("/~///comment?", data = "")] fn create(blog: String, slug: String, query: CommentQuery, data: Form, user: User, conn: DbConn) -> Redirect { let post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug.clone()).unwrap(); let form = data.get(); let comment = Comment::insert(&*conn, NewComment { content: SafeString::new(&form.content.clone()), in_response_to_id: query.responding_to, post_id:, author_id:, ap_url: None, sensitive: false, spoiler_text: "".to_string() }); broadcast(&*conn, &user, comment.create_activity(&*conn), user.get_followers(&*conn)); Redirect::to(format!("/~/{}/{}/#comment-{}", blog, slug, }