use crate::{ ap_url, instance::Instance, safe_string::SafeString, schema::medias, users::User, Connection, Error, Result, CONFIG, }; use activitystreams::{object::Image, prelude::*}; use diesel::{self, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl}; use guid_create::GUID; use plume_common::{ activity_pub::{inbox::FromId, request, ToAsString, ToAsUri}, utils::{escape, MediaProcessor}, }; use std::{ fs::{self, DirBuilder}, path::{self, Path, PathBuf}, }; use tracing::warn; use url::Url; #[cfg(feature = "s3")] use crate::config::S3Config; const REMOTE_MEDIA_DIRECTORY: &str = "remote"; #[derive(Clone, Identifiable, Queryable, AsChangeset)] pub struct Media { pub id: i32, pub file_path: String, pub alt_text: String, pub is_remote: bool, pub remote_url: Option, pub sensitive: bool, pub content_warning: Option, pub owner_id: i32, } #[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name = "medias"] pub struct NewMedia { pub file_path: String, pub alt_text: String, pub is_remote: bool, pub remote_url: Option, pub sensitive: bool, pub content_warning: Option, pub owner_id: i32, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum MediaCategory { Image, Audio, Video, Unknown, } impl MediaCategory { pub fn to_string(&self) -> &str { match *self { MediaCategory::Image => "image", MediaCategory::Audio => "audio", MediaCategory::Video => "video", MediaCategory::Unknown => "unknown", } } } impl Media { insert!(medias, NewMedia); get!(medias); find_by!(medias, find_by_file_path, file_path as &str); pub fn for_user(conn: &Connection, owner: i32) -> Result> { medias::table .filter(medias::owner_id.eq(owner)) .order(medias::id.desc()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn list_all_medias(conn: &Connection) -> Result> { medias::table.load::(conn).map_err(Error::from) } pub fn page_for_user( conn: &Connection, user: &User, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { medias::table .filter(medias::owner_id.eq( .order(medias::id.desc()) .offset(i64::from(min)) .limit(i64::from(max - min)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_for_user(conn: &Connection, user: &User) -> Result { medias::table .filter(medias::owner_id.eq( .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn category(&self) -> MediaCategory { match &*self .file_path .rsplit_once('.') .map(|x| x.1) .unwrap_or("") .to_lowercase() { "png" | "jpg" | "jpeg" | "gif" | "svg" => MediaCategory::Image, "mp3" | "wav" | "flac" => MediaCategory::Audio, "mp4" | "avi" | "webm" | "mov" => MediaCategory::Video, _ => MediaCategory::Unknown, } } pub fn html(&self) -> Result { let url = self.url()?; Ok(match self.category() { MediaCategory::Image => SafeString::trusted(&format!( r#"{}"#, url, escape(&self.alt_text), escape(&self.alt_text) )), MediaCategory::Audio => SafeString::trusted(&format!( r#"
"#, url, escape(&self.alt_text) )), MediaCategory::Video => SafeString::trusted(&format!( r#""#, url, escape(&self.alt_text) )), MediaCategory::Unknown => SafeString::trusted(&format!( r#""#, url, )), }) } pub fn markdown(&self) -> Result { Ok(match self.category() { MediaCategory::Image => { SafeString::new(&format!("![{}]({})", escape(&self.alt_text), } MediaCategory::Audio | MediaCategory::Video => self.html()?, MediaCategory::Unknown => SafeString::new(""), }) } /// Returns full file path for medias stored in the local media directory. pub fn local_path(&self) -> Option { if self.file_path.is_empty() { return None; } if CONFIG.s3.is_some() { #[cfg(feature="s3")] unreachable!("Called Media::local_path() but media are stored on S3"); #[cfg(not(feature="s3"))] unreachable!(); } let relative_path = self .file_path .trim_start_matches(&CONFIG.media_directory) .trim_start_matches(path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) .trim_start_matches("static/media/"); Some(Path::new(&CONFIG.media_directory).join(relative_path)) } /// Returns the relative URL to access this file, which is also the key at which /// it is stored in the S3 bucket if we are using S3 storage. /// Does not start with a '/', it is of the form "static/media/<...>" pub fn relative_url(&self) -> Option { if self.file_path.is_empty() { return None; } let relative_path = self .file_path .trim_start_matches(&CONFIG.media_directory) .replace(path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, "/"); let relative_path = relative_path .trim_start_matches('/') .trim_start_matches("static/media/"); Some(format!("static/media/{}", relative_path)) } /// Returns a public URL through which this media file can be accessed pub fn url(&self) -> Result { if self.is_remote { Ok(self.remote_url.clone().unwrap_or_default()) } else { let relative_url = self.relative_url().unwrap_or_default(); #[cfg(feature="s3")] if CONFIG.s3.as_ref().map(|x| x.direct_download).unwrap_or(false) { let s3_url = match CONFIG.s3.as_ref().unwrap() { S3Config { alias: Some(alias), .. } => { format!("https://{}/{}", alias, relative_url) } S3Config { path_style: true, hostname, bucket, .. } => { format!("https://{}/{}/{}", hostname, bucket, relative_url ) } S3Config { path_style: false, hostname, bucket, .. } => { format!("https://{}.{}/{}", bucket, hostname, relative_url ) } }; return Ok(s3_url); } Ok(ap_url(&format!( "{}/{}", Instance::get_local()?.public_domain, relative_url ))) } } pub fn delete(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { if !self.is_remote { if CONFIG.s3.is_some() { #[cfg(not(feature="s3"))] unreachable!(); #[cfg(feature = "s3")] CONFIG.s3.as_ref().unwrap().get_bucket() .delete_object_blocking(&self.relative_url().ok_or(Error::NotFound)?)?; } else { fs::remove_file(self.local_path().ok_or(Error::NotFound)?)?; } } diesel::delete(self) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn save_remote(conn: &Connection, url: String, user: &User) -> Result { if url.contains(&['<', '>', '"'][..]) { Err(Error::Url) } else { Media::insert( conn, NewMedia { file_path: String::new(), alt_text: String::new(), is_remote: true, remote_url: Some(url), sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id:, }, ) } } pub fn set_owner(&self, conn: &Connection, user: &User) -> Result<()> { diesel::update(self) .set(medias::owner_id.eq( .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } // TODO: merge with save_remote? pub fn from_activity(conn: &Connection, image: &Image) -> Result { let remote_url = image .url() .and_then(|url| url.to_as_uri()) .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?; let file_path = if CONFIG.s3.is_some() { #[cfg(not(feature="s3"))] unreachable!(); #[cfg(feature = "s3")] { use rocket::http::ContentType; let dest = determine_mirror_s3_path(&remote_url); let media = request::get( remote_url.as_str(), User::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned(), )?; let content_type = media .headers() .get(reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE) .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok()) .and_then(ContentType::parse_flexible) .unwrap_or(ContentType::Binary); let bytes = media.bytes()?; let bucket = CONFIG.s3.as_ref().unwrap().get_bucket(); bucket.put_object_with_content_type_blocking( &dest, &bytes, &content_type.to_string() )?; dest } } else { let path = determine_mirror_file_path(&remote_url); let parent = path.parent().ok_or(Error::InvalidValue)?; if !parent.is_dir() { DirBuilder::new().recursive(true).create(parent)?; } let mut dest = fs::File::create(path.clone())?; // TODO: conditional GET request::get( remote_url.as_str(), User::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned(), )? .copy_to(&mut dest)?; path.to_str().ok_or(Error::InvalidValue)?.to_string() }; Media::find_by_file_path(conn, &file_path) .and_then(|mut media| { let mut updated = false; let alt_text = image .content() .and_then(|content| content.to_as_string()) .ok_or(Error::NotFound)?; let summary = image.summary().and_then(|summary| summary.to_as_string()); let sensitive = summary.is_some(); let content_warning = summary; if media.alt_text != alt_text { media.alt_text = alt_text; updated = true; } if media.is_remote { media.is_remote = false; updated = true; } if media.remote_url.is_some() { media.remote_url = None; updated = true; } if media.sensitive != sensitive { media.sensitive = sensitive; updated = true; } if media.content_warning != content_warning { media.content_warning = content_warning; updated = true; } if updated { diesel::update(&media).set(&media).execute(conn)?; } Ok(media) }) .or_else(|_| { let summary = image.summary().and_then(|summary| summary.to_as_string()); Media::insert( conn, NewMedia { file_path, alt_text: image .content() .and_then(|content| content.to_as_string()) .ok_or(Error::NotFound)?, is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: summary.is_some(), content_warning: summary, owner_id: User::from_id( conn, &image .attributed_to() .and_then(|attributed_to| attributed_to.to_as_uri()) .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?, None, CONFIG.proxy(), ) .map_err(|(_, e)| e)? .id, }, ) }) } pub fn get_media_processor<'a>(conn: &'a Connection, user: Vec<&User>) -> MediaProcessor<'a> { let uid = user.iter().map(|u|>(); Box::new(move |id| { let media = Media::get(conn, id).ok()?; // if owner is user or check is disabled if uid.contains(&media.owner_id) || uid.is_empty() { Some((media.url().ok()?, media.content_warning)) } else { None } }) } } fn determine_mirror_file_path(url: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut file_path = Path::new(&CONFIG.media_directory).join(REMOTE_MEDIA_DIRECTORY); match Url::parse(url) { Ok(url) if url.has_host() => { file_path.push(url.host_str().unwrap()); for segment in url.path_segments().expect("FIXME") { file_path.push(segment); } // TODO: handle query // HINT: Use characters which must be percent-encoded in path as separator between path and query // HINT: handle extension } other => { if let Err(err) = other { warn!("Failed to parse url: {} {}", &url, err); } else { warn!("Error without a host: {}", &url); } let ext = url .rsplit('.') .next() .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("png")); file_path.push(format!("{}.{}", GUID::rand(), ext)); } } file_path } #[cfg(feature="s3")] fn determine_mirror_s3_path(url: &str) -> String { match Url::parse(url) { Ok(url) if url.has_host() => { format!("static/media/{}/{}/{}", REMOTE_MEDIA_DIRECTORY, url.host_str().unwrap(), url.path().trim_start_matches('/'), ) } other => { if let Err(err) = other { warn!("Failed to parse url: {} {}", &url, err); } else { warn!("Error without a host: {}", &url); } let ext = url .rsplit('.') .next() .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("png")); format!("static/media/{}/{}.{}", REMOTE_MEDIA_DIRECTORY, GUID::rand(), ext, ) } } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{tests::db, users::tests as usersTests, Connection as Conn}; use diesel::Connection; use std::env::{current_dir, set_current_dir}; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; pub(crate) fn fill_database(conn: &Conn) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut wd = current_dir().unwrap(); while wd.pop() { if wd.join(".git").exists() { set_current_dir(wd).unwrap(); break; } } let users = usersTests::fill_database(conn); let user_one = users[0].id; let user_two = users[1].id; let f1 = "static/media/1.png".to_owned(); let f2 = "static/media/2.mp3".to_owned(); fs::write(f1.clone(), []).unwrap(); fs::write(f2.clone(), []).unwrap(); ( users, vec![ NewMedia { file_path: f1, alt_text: "some alt".to_owned(), is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id: user_one, }, NewMedia { file_path: f2, alt_text: "alt message".to_owned(), is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: true, content_warning: Some("Content warning".to_owned()), owner_id: user_one, }, NewMedia { file_path: "".to_owned(), alt_text: "another alt".to_owned(), is_remote: true, remote_url: Some("".to_owned()), sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id: user_two, }, ] .into_iter() .map(|nm| Media::insert(conn, nm).unwrap()) .collect(), ) } pub(crate) fn clean(conn: &Conn) { //used to remove files generated by tests for media in Media::list_all_medias(conn).unwrap() { if let Some(err) = media.delete(conn).err() { match &err { Error::Io(e) => match e.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (), _ => panic!("{:?}", err), }, _ => panic!("{:?}", err), } } } } #[test] fn delete() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let user = fill_database(conn).0[0].id; let path = "static/media/test_deletion".to_owned(); fs::write(path.clone(), []).unwrap(); let media = Media::insert( conn, NewMedia { file_path: path.clone(), alt_text: "alt message".to_owned(), is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id: user, }, ) .unwrap(); assert!(Path::new(&path).exists()); media.delete(conn).unwrap(); assert!(!Path::new(&path).exists()); clean(conn); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn set_owner() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (users, _) = fill_database(conn); let u1 = &users[0]; let u2 = &users[1]; let path = "static/media/test_set_owner".to_owned(); fs::write(path.clone(), []).unwrap(); let media = Media::insert( conn, NewMedia { file_path: path, alt_text: "alt message".to_owned(), is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id:, }, ) .unwrap(); assert!(Media::for_user(conn, .unwrap() .iter() .any(|m| ==; assert!(!Media::for_user(conn, .unwrap() .iter() .any(|m| ==; media.set_owner(conn, u2).unwrap(); assert!(!Media::for_user(conn, .unwrap() .iter() .any(|m| ==; assert!(Media::for_user(conn, .unwrap() .iter() .any(|m| ==; clean(conn); Ok(()) }); } }