language: rust rust: - nightly-2018-12-06 cache: cargo: true directories: - kcov-master sudo: true dist: trusty services: postgres addons: apt: packages: - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libelf-dev - libdw-dev - cmake - gcc - binutils-dev - zlib1g-dev - libiberty-dev stages: - build - test and coverage jobs: include: - stage: build name: "Build front" script: (cargo web -h || cargo install cargo-web) && cd plume-front && cargo clippy -- -D warnings && cargo web check before_script: rustup component add clippy - stage: build name: "Build with postgresql" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/postgres FEATURES=postgres DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost/plume script: cargo clippy --no-default-features --features="${FEATURES}" --release -- -D warnings before_script: rustup component add clippy - stage: build name: "Build CLI with postgresql" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/postgres FEATURES=postgres DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost/plume script: cd plume-cli && cargo clippy --no-default-features --features="${FEATURES}" --release -- -D warnings before_script: rustup component add clippy - stage: build name: "Build with sqlite" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/sqlite FEATURES=sqlite DATABASE_URL=plume.sqlite3 script: cargo clippy --no-default-features --features="${FEATURES}" --release -- -D warnings before_script: rustup component add clippy - stage: build name: "Build CLI with sqlite" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/sqlite FEATURES=sqlite DATABASE_URL=plume.sqlite3 script: cd plume-cli && cargo clippy --no-default-features --features="${FEATURES}" --release -- -D warnings before_script: rustup component add clippy - stage: test and coverage name: "Test with potgresql backend" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/postgres FEATURES=postgres DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost/plume_tests - RUSTFLAGS='-C link-dead-code' RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 before_script: psql -c 'create database plume_tests;' -U postgres script: - | cargo test --features "${FEATURES}" --no-default-features --all --exclude plume-front && ./script/ - stage: test and coverage name: "Test with Sqlite backend" env: - MIGRATION_DIR=migrations/sqlite FEATURES=sqlite DATABASE_URL=plume.sqlite3 - RUSTFLAGS='-C link-dead-code' RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 script: - | cargo test --features "${FEATURES}" --no-default-features --all --exclude plume-front && ./script/