use crate::{ comment_seers::{CommentSeers, NewCommentSeers}, db_conn::DbConn, instance::Instance, medias::Media, mentions::Mention, notifications::*, posts::Post, safe_string::SafeString, schema::comments, users::User, Connection, Error, Result, CONFIG, }; use activitystreams::{ activity::{Create, Delete}, base::{AnyBase, Base}, iri_string::types::IriString, link::{self, kind::MentionType}, object::{Note, Tombstone}, prelude::*, primitives::OneOrMany, time::OffsetDateTime, }; use chrono::{self, NaiveDateTime}; use diesel::{self, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, SaveChangesDsl}; use plume_common::{ activity_pub::{ inbox::{AsActor, AsObject, FromId}, sign::Signer, IntoId, ToAsString, ToAsUri, PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, }, utils, }; use std::collections::HashSet; #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Clone, AsChangeset)] pub struct Comment { pub id: i32, pub content: SafeString, pub in_response_to_id: Option, pub post_id: i32, pub author_id: i32, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub ap_url: Option, pub sensitive: bool, pub spoiler_text: String, pub public_visibility: bool, } #[derive(Insertable, Default)] #[table_name = "comments"] pub struct NewComment { pub content: SafeString, pub in_response_to_id: Option, pub post_id: i32, pub author_id: i32, pub ap_url: Option, pub sensitive: bool, pub spoiler_text: String, pub public_visibility: bool, } impl Comment { insert!(comments, NewComment, |inserted, conn| { if inserted.ap_url.is_none() { inserted.ap_url = Some(format!( "{}/comment/{}", inserted.get_post(conn)?.ap_url, )); let _: Comment = inserted.save_changes(conn)?; } Ok(inserted) }); get!(comments); list_by!(comments, list_by_post, post_id as i32); find_by!(comments, find_by_ap_url, ap_url as &str); pub fn get_author(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { User::get(conn, self.author_id) } pub fn get_post(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { Post::get(conn, self.post_id) } pub fn count_local(conn: &Connection) -> Result { use crate::schema::users; let local_authors = users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq(Instance::get_local()?.id)) .select(users::id); comments::table .filter(comments::author_id.eq_any(local_authors)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_responses(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { comments::table .filter(comments::in_response_to_id.eq( .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn can_see(&self, conn: &Connection, user: Option<&User>) -> bool { self.public_visibility || user .as_ref() .map(|u| CommentSeers::can_see(conn, self, u).unwrap_or(false)) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn to_activity(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> Result { let author = User::get(conn, self.author_id)?; let (html, mentions, _hashtags) = utils::md_to_html( self.content.get().as_ref(), Some(&Instance::get_local()?.public_domain), true, Some(Media::get_media_processor(conn, vec![&author])), ); let mut note = Note::new(); let to = vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]; note.set_id( self.ap_url .clone() .unwrap_or_default() .parse::()?, ); note.set_summary(self.spoiler_text.clone()); note.set_content(html); note.set_in_reply_to(self.in_response_to_id.map_or_else( || Post::get(conn, self.post_id).map(|post| post.ap_url), |id| Comment::get(conn, id).map(|comment| comment.ap_url.unwrap_or_default()), )?); note.set_published( OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos(self.creation_date.timestamp_nanos().into()) .expect("OffsetDateTime"), ); note.set_attributed_to(author.into_id().parse::()?); note.set_many_tos(to); note.set_many_tags(mentions.into_iter().filter_map(|m| { Mention::build_activity(conn, &m) .map(|mention| mention.into_any_base().expect("Can convert")) .ok() })); Ok(note) } pub fn create_activity(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> Result { let author = User::get(conn, self.author_id)?; let note = self.to_activity(conn)?; let note_clone = note.clone(); let mut act = Create::new( author.into_id().parse::()?, Base::retract(note)?.into_generic()?, ); act.set_id( format!( "{}/activity", self.ap_url.clone().ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?, ) .parse::()?, ); act.set_many_tos( note_clone .to() .iter() .flat_map(|tos| tos.iter().map(|to| to.to_owned())), ); act.set_many_ccs(vec![self.get_author(conn)?.followers_endpoint]); Ok(act) } pub fn notify(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { for author in self.get_post(conn)?.get_authors(conn)? { if Mention::list_for_comment(conn, .iter() .all(|m| m.get_mentioned(conn).map(|u| u != author).unwrap_or(true)) && author.is_local() { Notification::insert( conn, NewNotification { kind: notification_kind::COMMENT.to_string(), object_id:, user_id:, }, )?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn build_delete(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut tombstone = Tombstone::new(); tombstone.set_id( self.ap_url .as_ref() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .parse::()?, ); let mut act = Delete::new( self.get_author(conn)?.into_id().parse::()?, Base::retract(tombstone)?.into_generic()?, ); act.set_id(format!("{}#delete", self.ap_url.clone().unwrap()).parse::()?); act.set_many_tos(vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]); Ok(act) } } impl FromId for Comment { type Error = Error; type Object = Note; fn from_db(conn: &DbConn, id: &str) -> Result { Self::find_by_ap_url(conn, id) } fn from_activity(conn: &DbConn, note: Note) -> Result { let comm = { let previous_url = note .in_reply_to() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .iter() .next() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .id() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?; let previous_comment = Comment::find_by_ap_url(conn, previous_url.as_str()); let is_public = |v: &Option<&OneOrMany>| match v { Some(one_or_many) => one_or_many.iter().any(|any_base| { let id =; id.is_some() && id.unwrap() == PUBLIC_VISIBILITY }), None => false, }; let public_visibility = is_public(¬ || is_public(¬e.bto()) || is_public(¬ || is_public(¬e.bcc()); let summary = note.summary().and_then(|summary| summary.to_as_string()); let sensitive = summary.is_some(); let comm = Comment::insert( conn, NewComment { content: SafeString::new( ¬e .content() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_as_string() .ok_or(Error::InvalidValue)?, ), spoiler_text: summary.unwrap_or_default(), ap_url: Some( note.id_unchecked() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_string(), ), in_response_to_id: previous_comment.iter().map(|c|, post_id:|c| c.post_id).or_else(|_| { Ok(Post::find_by_ap_url(conn, previous_url.as_str())?.id) as Result })?, author_id: User::from_id( conn, ¬e .attributed_to() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_as_uri() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?, None, CONFIG.proxy(), ) .map_err(|(_, e)| e)? .id, sensitive, public_visibility, }, )?; // save mentions if let Some(tags) = note.tag() { let author_url = &Post::get(conn, comm.post_id)?.get_authors(conn)?[0].ap_url; for tag in tags.iter() { let m = tag.clone().extend::()?; // FIXME: Don't clone if m.is_none() { continue; } let m = m.unwrap(); let not_author = m.href().ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? != author_url; let _ = Mention::from_activity(conn, &m,, false, not_author); } } comm }; if !comm.public_visibility { let mut receiver_ids = HashSet::new(); let mut receivers_id = |v: Option<&'_ OneOrMany>| { if let Some(one_or_many) = v { for any_base in one_or_many.iter() { if let Some(id) = { receiver_ids.insert(id.to_string()); } } } }; receivers_id(; receivers_id(; receivers_id(note.bto()); receivers_id(note.bcc()); let receivers_ap_url = receiver_ids .into_iter() .flat_map(|v| { if let Ok(user) = User::from_id(conn, v.as_ref(), None, CONFIG.proxy()) { vec![user] } else { vec![] // TODO try to fetch collection } }) .filter(|u| u.get_instance(conn).map(|i| i.local).unwrap_or(false)) .collect::>(); //remove duplicates (prevent db error) for user in &receivers_ap_url { CommentSeers::insert( conn, NewCommentSeers { comment_id:, user_id:, }, )?; } } comm.notify(conn)?; Ok(comm) } fn get_sender() -> &'static dyn Signer { Instance::get_local_instance_user().expect("Failed to local instance user") } } impl AsObject for Comment { type Error = Error; type Output = Self; fn activity(self, _conn: &DbConn, _actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result { // The actual creation takes place in the FromId impl Ok(self) } } impl AsObject for Comment { type Error = Error; type Output = (); fn activity(self, conn: &DbConn, actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result<()> { if self.author_id != { return Err(Error::Unauthorized); } for m in Mention::list_for_comment(conn, { for n in Notification::find_for_mention(conn, &m)? { n.delete(conn)?; } m.delete(conn)?; } for n in Notification::find_for_comment(conn, &self)? { n.delete(conn)?; } diesel::update(comments::table) .filter(comments::in_response_to_id.eq( .set(comments::in_response_to_id.eq(self.in_response_to_id)) .execute(&**conn)?; diesel::delete(&self).execute(&**conn)?; Ok(()) } } pub struct CommentTree { pub comment: Comment, pub responses: Vec, } impl CommentTree { pub fn from_post(conn: &Connection, p: &Post, user: Option<&User>) -> Result> { Ok(Comment::list_by_post(conn, .into_iter() .filter(|c| c.in_response_to_id.is_none()) .filter(|c| c.can_see(conn, user)) .filter_map(|c| Self::from_comment(conn, c, user).ok()) .collect()) } pub fn from_comment(conn: &Connection, comment: Comment, user: Option<&User>) -> Result { let responses = comment .get_responses(conn)? .into_iter() .filter(|c| c.can_see(conn, user)) .filter_map(|c| Self::from_comment(conn, c, user).ok()) .collect(); Ok(CommentTree { comment, responses }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::blogs::Blog; use crate::inbox::{inbox, tests::fill_database, InboxResult}; use crate::safe_string::SafeString; use crate::tests::{db, format_datetime}; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_eq; use diesel::Connection; use serde_json::{json, to_value}; fn prepare_activity(conn: &DbConn) -> (Comment, Vec, Vec, Vec) { let (posts, users, blogs) = fill_database(conn); let comment = Comment::insert( conn, NewComment { content: SafeString::new("My comment, mentioning to @user"), in_response_to_id: None, post_id: posts[0].id, author_id: users[0].id, ap_url: None, sensitive: true, spoiler_text: "My CW".into(), public_visibility: true, }, ) .unwrap(); (comment, posts, users, blogs) } // creates a post, get it's Create activity, delete the post, // "send" the Create to the inbox, and check it works #[test] fn self_federation() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (original_comm, posts, users, _blogs) = prepare_activity(conn); let act = original_comm.create_activity(conn).unwrap(); assert_json_eq!(to_value(&act).unwrap(), json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}/activity",, "object": { "attributedTo": "", "content": r###"

My comment, mentioning to @user

"###, "id": format!("{}",, "inReplyTo": "", "published": format_datetime(&original_comm.creation_date), "summary": "My CW", "tag": [ { "href": "", "name": "@user", "type": "Mention" } ], "to": [""], "type": "Note" }, "to": [""], "type": "Create", })); let reply = Comment::insert( conn, NewComment { content: SafeString::new(""), in_response_to_id: Some(, post_id: posts[0].id, author_id: users[1].id, ap_url: None, sensitive: false, spoiler_text: "".into(), public_visibility: true, }, ) .unwrap(); let reply_act = reply.create_activity(conn).unwrap(); assert_json_eq!(to_value(&reply_act).unwrap(), json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [""], "id": format!("{}/activity",, "object": { "attributedTo": "", "content": "", "id": format!("{}",, "inReplyTo": format!("{}",, "published": format_datetime(&reply.creation_date), "summary": "", "tag": [], "to": [""], "type": "Note" }, "to": [""], "type": "Create" })); inbox( conn, serde_json::to_value(original_comm.build_delete(conn).unwrap()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); match inbox(conn, to_value(act).unwrap()).unwrap() { InboxResult::Commented(c) => { // TODO: one is HTML, the other markdown: assert_eq!(c.content, original_comm.content); assert_eq!(c.in_response_to_id, original_comm.in_response_to_id); assert_eq!(c.post_id, original_comm.post_id); assert_eq!(c.author_id, original_comm.author_id); assert_eq!(c.ap_url, original_comm.ap_url); assert_eq!(c.spoiler_text, original_comm.spoiler_text); assert_eq!(c.public_visibility, original_comm.public_visibility); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), }; Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn to_activity() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (comment, _posts, _users, _blogs) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = comment.to_activity(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "attributedTo": "", "content": r###"

My comment, mentioning to @user

"###, "id": format!("{}",, "inReplyTo": "", "published": format_datetime(&comment.creation_date), "summary": "My CW", "tag": [ { "href": "", "name": "@user", "type": "Mention" } ], "to": [""], "type": "Note" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn build_delete() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (comment, _posts, _users, _blogs) = prepare_activity(&conn); let act = comment.build_delete(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "id": format!("{}#delete",, "object": { "id": format!("{}",, "type": "Tombstone" }, "to": [""], "type": "Delete" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } }