use crate::{ ap_url, medias::Media, safe_string::SafeString, schema::{instances, users}, users::{Role, User}, Connection, Error, Result, }; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::{self, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl}; use plume_common::utils::md_to_html; use std::sync::RwLock; #[derive(Clone, Identifiable, Queryable)] pub struct Instance { pub id: i32, pub public_domain: String, pub name: String, pub local: bool, pub blocked: bool, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub open_registrations: bool, pub short_description: SafeString, pub long_description: SafeString, pub default_license: String, pub long_description_html: SafeString, pub short_description_html: SafeString, } #[derive(Clone, Insertable)] #[table_name = "instances"] pub struct NewInstance { pub public_domain: String, pub name: String, pub local: bool, pub open_registrations: bool, pub short_description: SafeString, pub long_description: SafeString, pub default_license: String, pub long_description_html: String, pub short_description_html: String, } lazy_static! { static ref LOCAL_INSTANCE: RwLock> = RwLock::new(None); } impl Instance { pub fn set_local(self) { LOCAL_INSTANCE.write().unwrap().replace(self); } pub fn get_local() -> Result { LOCAL_INSTANCE .read() .unwrap() .clone() .ok_or(Error::NotFound) } pub fn get_local_uncached(conn: &Connection) -> Result { instances::table .filter(instances::local.eq(true)) .first(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn cache_local(conn: &Connection) { *LOCAL_INSTANCE.write().unwrap() = Instance::get_local_uncached(conn).ok(); } pub fn get_remotes(conn: &Connection) -> Result> { instances::table .filter(instances::local.eq(false)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn page(conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32)) -> Result> { instances::table .order(instances::public_domain.asc()) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } insert!(instances, NewInstance); get!(instances); find_by!(instances, find_by_domain, public_domain as &str); pub fn toggle_block(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { diesel::update(self) .set(instances::blocked.eq(!self.blocked)) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } /// id: AP object id pub fn is_blocked(conn: &Connection, id: &str) -> Result { for block in instances::table .filter(instances::blocked.eq(true)) .get_results::(conn)? { if id.starts_with(&format!("https://{}/", block.public_domain)) { return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } pub fn has_admin(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq( .filter(users::role.eq(Role::Admin as i32)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| !r.is_empty()) } pub fn main_admin(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq( .filter(users::role.eq(Role::Admin as i32)) .first(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn compute_box(&self, prefix: &str, name: &str, box_name: &str) -> String { ap_url(&format!( "{instance}/{prefix}/{name}/{box_name}", instance = self.public_domain, prefix = prefix, name = name, box_name = box_name )) } pub fn update( &self, conn: &Connection, name: String, open_registrations: bool, short_description: SafeString, long_description: SafeString, default_license: String, ) -> Result<()> { let (sd, _, _) = md_to_html( short_description.as_ref(), Some(&self.public_domain), true, Some(Media::get_media_processor(conn, vec![])), ); let (ld, _, _) = md_to_html( long_description.as_ref(), Some(&self.public_domain), false, Some(Media::get_media_processor(conn, vec![])), ); let res = diesel::update(self) .set(( instances::name.eq(name), instances::open_registrations.eq(open_registrations), instances::short_description.eq(short_description), instances::long_description.eq(long_description), instances::short_description_html.eq(sd), instances::long_description_html.eq(ld), instances::default_license.eq(default_license), )) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from); if self.local { Instance::cache_local(conn); } res } pub fn count(conn: &Connection) -> Result { instances::table .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } /// Returns a list of the local instance themes (all files matching `static/css/NAME/theme.css`) /// /// The list only contains the name of the themes, without their extension or full path. pub fn list_themes() -> Result> { // List all the files in static/css std::path::Path::new("static") .join("css") .read_dir() .map(|files| { files .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) // Only keep actual directories (each theme has its own dir) .filter(|f| f.file_type().map(|t| t.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false)) // Only keep the directory name (= theme name) .filter_map(|f| { f.path() .file_name() .and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) }) // Ignore the one starting with "blog-": these are the blog themes .filter(|f| !f.starts_with("blog-")) .collect() }) .map_err(Error::from) } /// Returns a list of the local blog themes (all files matching `static/css/blog-NAME/theme.css`) /// /// The list only contains the name of the themes, without their extension or full path. pub fn list_blog_themes() -> Result> { // List all the files in static/css std::path::Path::new("static") .join("css") .read_dir() .map(|files| { files .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) // Only keep actual directories (each theme has its own dir) .filter(|f| f.file_type().map(|t| t.is_dir()).unwrap_or(false)) // Only keep the directory name (= theme name) .filter_map(|f| { f.path() .file_name() .and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) }) // Only keep the one starting with "blog-": these are the blog themes .filter(|f| f.starts_with("blog-")) .collect() }) .map_err(Error::from) } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{tests::db, Connection as Conn}; use diesel::Connection; pub(crate) fn fill_database(conn: &Conn) -> Vec<(NewInstance, Instance)> { let res = vec![ NewInstance { default_license: "WTFPL".to_string(), local: true, long_description: SafeString::new("This is my instance."), long_description_html: "

This is my instance

".to_string(), short_description: SafeString::new("My instance."), short_description_html: "

My instance

".to_string(), name: "My instance".to_string(), open_registrations: true, public_domain: "".to_string(), }, NewInstance { default_license: "WTFPL".to_string(), local: false, long_description: SafeString::new("This is an instance."), long_description_html: "

This is an instance

".to_string(), short_description: SafeString::new("An instance."), short_description_html: "

An instance

".to_string(), name: "An instance".to_string(), open_registrations: true, public_domain: "".to_string(), }, NewInstance { default_license: "CC-0".to_string(), local: false, long_description: SafeString::new("This is the instance of someone."), long_description_html: "

This is the instance of someone

".to_string(), short_description: SafeString::new("Someone instance."), short_description_html: "

Someone instance

".to_string(), name: "Someone instance".to_string(), open_registrations: false, public_domain: "".to_string(), }, NewInstance { default_license: "CC-0-BY-SA".to_string(), local: false, long_description: SafeString::new("Good morning"), long_description_html: "

Good morning

".to_string(), short_description: SafeString::new("Hello"), short_description_html: "


".to_string(), name: "Nice day".to_string(), open_registrations: true, public_domain: "".to_string(), }, ] .into_iter() .map(|inst| { ( inst.clone(), Instance::find_by_domain(conn, &inst.public_domain) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Instance::insert(conn, inst).unwrap()), ) }) .collect(); Instance::cache_local(conn); res } #[test] fn local_instance() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inserted = fill_database(conn) .into_iter() .map(|(inserted, _)| inserted) .find(|inst| inst.local) .unwrap(); let res = Instance::get_local().unwrap(); part_eq!( res, inserted, [ default_license, local, long_description, short_description, name, open_registrations, public_domain ] ); assert_eq!( res.long_description_html.get(), &inserted.long_description_html ); assert_eq!( res.short_description_html.get(), &inserted.short_description_html ); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn remote_instance() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inserted = fill_database(conn); assert_eq!(Instance::count(conn).unwrap(), inserted.len() as i64); let res = Instance::get_remotes(conn).unwrap(); assert_eq!( res.len(), inserted.iter().filter(|(inst, _)| !inst.local).count() ); inserted .iter() .filter(|(newinst, _)| !newinst.local) .map(|(newinst, inst)| (newinst, res.iter().find(|res| == .for_each(|(newinst, inst)| { part_eq!( newinst, inst, [ default_license, local, long_description, short_description, name, open_registrations, public_domain ] ); assert_eq!( &newinst.long_description_html, inst.long_description_html.get() ); assert_eq!( &newinst.short_description_html, inst.short_description_html.get() ); }); let page = Instance::page(conn, (0, 2)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.len(), 2); let page1 = &page[0]; let page2 = &page[1]; assert!(page1.public_domain <= page2.public_domain); let mut last_domaine: String = Instance::page(conn, (0, 1)).unwrap()[0] .public_domain .clone(); for i in 1..inserted.len() as i32 { let page = Instance::page(conn, (i, i + 1)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.len(), 1); assert!(last_domaine <= page[0].public_domain); last_domaine = page[0].public_domain.clone(); } Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn blocked() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inst_list = fill_database(conn); let inst = &inst_list[0].1; let inst_list = &inst_list[1..]; let blocked = inst.blocked; inst.toggle_block(conn).unwrap(); let inst = Instance::get(conn,; assert_eq!(inst.blocked, !blocked); assert_eq!( inst_list .iter() .filter( |(_, inst)| inst.blocked != Instance::get(conn, ) .count(), 0 ); assert_eq!( Instance::is_blocked(conn, &format!("https://{}/something", inst.public_domain)) .unwrap(), inst.blocked ); assert_eq!( Instance::is_blocked(conn, &format!("https://{}a/something", inst.public_domain)) .unwrap(), Instance::find_by_domain(conn, &format!("{}a", inst.public_domain)) .map(|inst| inst.blocked) .unwrap_or(false) ); inst.toggle_block(conn).unwrap(); let inst = Instance::get(conn,; assert_eq!(inst.blocked, blocked); assert_eq!( Instance::is_blocked(conn, &format!("https://{}/something", inst.public_domain)) .unwrap(), inst.blocked ); assert_eq!( Instance::is_blocked(conn, &format!("https://{}a/something", inst.public_domain)) .unwrap(), Instance::find_by_domain(conn, &format!("{}a", inst.public_domain)) .map(|inst| inst.blocked) .unwrap_or(false) ); assert_eq!( inst_list .iter() .filter( |(_, inst)| inst.blocked != Instance::get(conn, ) .count(), 0 ); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn update() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inst = &fill_database(conn)[0].1; inst.update( conn, "NewName".to_owned(), false, SafeString::new("[short](#link)"), SafeString::new("[long_description](/with_link)"), "CC-BY-SAO".to_owned(), ) .unwrap(); let inst = Instance::get(conn,; assert_eq!(, "NewName".to_owned()); assert_eq!(inst.open_registrations, false); assert_eq!( inst.long_description.get(), "[long_description](/with_link)" ); assert_eq!( inst.long_description_html, SafeString::new( "


\n" ) ); assert_eq!(inst.short_description.get(), "[short](#link)"); assert_eq!( inst.short_description_html, SafeString::new("


\n") ); assert_eq!(inst.default_license, "CC-BY-SAO".to_owned()); Ok(()) }); } }