use base64; use hex; use chrono::Utc; use openssl::sha::{sha256, sha512}; use serde_json; // (Comments are from the Mastodon source code, to remember what to do.) pub trait Signer { fn get_key_id(&self) -> String; /// Sign some data with the signer keypair fn sign(&self, to_sign: String) -> String; // Base64.strict_encode64(creator.keypair.sign(, to_be_signed)) } pub trait Signable { fn sign(&mut self, creator: T) -> &mut Self where T: Signer; fn hash(data: String) -> String { let bytes = data.into_bytes(); hex::encode(sha256(&bytes[..])) } } impl Signable for serde_json::Value { fn sign(&mut self, creator: T) -> &mut serde_json::Value where T: Signer { let mut options = json!({ "type": "RsaSignature2017", "creator": creator.get_key_id(), // [ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_for(creator), '#main-key'].join, "created": Utc::now().to_rfc3339() }); //options_hash = hash(options.without('type', 'id', 'signatureValue').merge('@context' => CONTEXT)) let options_hash = Self::hash(String::from("")); let document_hash = Self::hash(self.to_string()); let to_be_signed = options_hash + &document_hash; let signature = base64::encode(&creator.sign(to_be_signed)); options["signaureValue"] = serde_json::Value::String(signature); self["signature"] = options; self } }