use activitypub::{ activity::{Create, Delete, Update}, link, object::{Article, Image, Tombstone}, CustomObject, }; use canapi::{Error as ApiError, Provider}; use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, TimeZone, Utc}; use diesel::{self, BelongingToDsl, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, SaveChangesDsl}; use heck::{CamelCase, KebabCase}; use serde_json; use std::collections::HashSet; use blogs::Blog; use instance::Instance; use medias::Media; use mentions::Mention; use plume_api::posts::PostEndpoint; use plume_common::{ activity_pub::{ broadcast, inbox::{AsObject, FromId}, Hashtag, Id, IntoId, Licensed, Source, PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, }, utils::md_to_html, }; use post_authors::*; use safe_string::SafeString; use schema::posts; use search::Searcher; use tags::*; use users::User; use {ap_url, ApiResult, Connection, Error, PlumeRocket, Result, CONFIG}; pub type LicensedArticle = CustomObject; #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Clone, AsChangeset)] #[changeset_options(treat_none_as_null = "true")] pub struct Post { pub id: i32, pub blog_id: i32, pub slug: String, pub title: String, pub content: SafeString, pub published: bool, pub license: String, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub ap_url: String, pub subtitle: String, pub source: String, pub cover_id: Option, } #[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name = "posts"] pub struct NewPost { pub blog_id: i32, pub slug: String, pub title: String, pub content: SafeString, pub published: bool, pub license: String, pub creation_date: Option, pub ap_url: String, pub subtitle: String, pub source: String, pub cover_id: Option, } impl Provider for Post { type Data = PostEndpoint; fn get(rockets: &PlumeRocket, id: i32) -> ApiResult { let conn = &*rockets.conn; if let Ok(post) = Post::get(conn, id) { if !post.published && !rockets .user .as_ref() .and_then(|u| post.is_author(conn, .unwrap_or(false) { return Err(ApiError::Authorization( "You are not authorized to access this post yet.".to_string(), )); } Ok(PostEndpoint { id: Some(, title: Some(post.title.clone()), subtitle: Some(post.subtitle.clone()), content: Some(post.content.get().clone()), source: Some(post.source.clone()), author: Some( post.get_authors(conn) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Authors not found".into()))?[0] .username .clone(), ), blog_id: Some(post.blog_id), published: Some(post.published), creation_date: Some(post.creation_date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string()), license: Some(post.license.clone()), tags: Some( Tag::for_post(conn, .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Tags not found".into()))? .into_iter() .map(|t| t.tag) .collect(), ), cover_id: post.cover_id, }) } else { Err(ApiError::NotFound("Request post was not found".to_string())) } } fn list(rockets: &PlumeRocket, filter: PostEndpoint) -> Vec { let conn = &*rockets.conn; let mut query = posts::table.into_boxed(); if let Some(title) = filter.title { query = query.filter(posts::title.eq(title)); } if let Some(subtitle) = filter.subtitle { query = query.filter(posts::subtitle.eq(subtitle)); } if let Some(content) = filter.content { query = query.filter(posts::content.eq(content)); } query .get_results::(conn) .map(|ps| { ps.into_iter() .filter(|p| { p.published || rockets .user .as_ref() .and_then(|u| p.is_author(conn, .unwrap_or(false) }) .map(|p| PostEndpoint { id: Some(, title: Some(p.title.clone()), subtitle: Some(p.subtitle.clone()), content: Some(p.content.get().clone()), source: Some(p.source.clone()), author: Some(p.get_authors(conn).unwrap_or_default()[0].username.clone()), blog_id: Some(p.blog_id), published: Some(p.published), creation_date: Some(p.creation_date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string()), license: Some(p.license.clone()), tags: Some( Tag::for_post(conn, .unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![]) .into_iter() .map(|t| t.tag) .collect(), ), cover_id: p.cover_id, }) .collect() }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![]) } fn update( _rockets: &PlumeRocket, _id: i32, _new_data: PostEndpoint, ) -> ApiResult { unimplemented!() } fn delete(rockets: &PlumeRocket, id: i32) { let conn = &*rockets.conn; let user_id = rockets .user .as_ref() .expect("Post as Provider::delete: not authenticated") .id; if let Ok(post) = Post::get(conn, id) { if post.is_author(conn, user_id).unwrap_or(false) { post.delete(conn, &rockets.searcher) .expect("Post as Provider::delete: delete error"); } } } fn create(rockets: &PlumeRocket, query: PostEndpoint) -> ApiResult { let conn = &*rockets.conn; let search = &rockets.searcher; let worker = &rockets.worker; if rockets.user.is_none() { return Err(ApiError::Authorization( "You are not authorized to create new articles.".to_string(), )); } let title = query.title.clone().expect("No title for new post in API"); let slug = query.title.unwrap().to_kebab_case(); let date = query.creation_date.clone().and_then(|d| { NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(format!("{} 00:00:00", d).as_ref(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .ok() }); let domain = &Instance::get_local(&conn) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("posts::update: Error getting local instance".into()))? .public_domain; let author = rockets .user .clone() .ok_or_else(|| ApiError::NotFound("Author not found".into()))?; let (content, mentions, hashtags) = md_to_html( query.source.clone().unwrap_or_default().clone().as_ref(), domain, false, Some(Media::get_media_processor(conn, vec![&author])), ); let blog = match query.blog_id { Some(x) => x, None => { Blog::find_for_author(conn, &author) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("No default blog".into()))?[0] .id } }; if Post::find_by_slug(conn, &slug, blog).is_ok() { // Not an actual authorization problem, but we have nothing better for now… // TODO: add another error variant to canapi and add it there return Err(ApiError::Authorization( "A post with the same slug already exists".to_string(), )); } let post = Post::insert( conn, NewPost { blog_id: blog, slug, title, content: SafeString::new(content.as_ref()), published: query.published.unwrap_or(true), license: query.license.unwrap_or_else(|| { Instance::get_local(conn) .map(|i| i.default_license) .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("CC-BY-SA")) }), creation_date: date, ap_url: String::new(), subtitle: query.subtitle.unwrap_or_default(), source: query.source.expect("Post API::create: no source error"), cover_id: query.cover_id, }, search, ) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Creation error".into()))?; PostAuthor::insert( conn, NewPostAuthor { author_id:, post_id:, }, ) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Error saving authors".into()))?; if let Some(tags) = query.tags { for tag in tags { Tag::insert( conn, NewTag { tag, is_hashtag: false, post_id:, }, ) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Error saving tags".into()))?; } } for hashtag in hashtags { Tag::insert( conn, NewTag { tag: hashtag.to_camel_case(), is_hashtag: true, post_id:, }, ) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Error saving hashtags".into()))?; } if post.published { for m in mentions.into_iter() { Mention::from_activity( &*conn, &Mention::build_activity(&rockets, &m) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Couldn't build mentions".into()))?,, true, true, ) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Error saving mentions".into()))?; } let act = post .create_activity(&*conn) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Couldn't create activity".into()))?; let dest = User::one_by_instance(&*conn) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Couldn't list remote instances".into()))?; worker.execute(move || broadcast(&author, act, dest)); } Ok(PostEndpoint { id: Some(, title: Some(post.title.clone()), subtitle: Some(post.subtitle.clone()), content: Some(post.content.get().clone()), source: Some(post.source.clone()), author: Some( post.get_authors(conn) .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("No authors".into()))?[0] .username .clone(), ), blog_id: Some(post.blog_id), published: Some(post.published), creation_date: Some(post.creation_date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string()), license: Some(post.license.clone()), tags: Some( Tag::for_post(conn, .map_err(|_| ApiError::NotFound("Tags not found".into()))? .into_iter() .map(|t| t.tag) .collect(), ), cover_id: post.cover_id, }) } } impl Post { get!(posts); find_by!(posts, find_by_slug, slug as &str, blog_id as i32); find_by!(posts, find_by_ap_url, ap_url as &str); last!(posts); pub fn insert(conn: &Connection, new: NewPost, searcher: &Searcher) -> Result { diesel::insert_into(posts::table) .values(new) .execute(conn)?; let mut post = Self::last(conn)?; if post.ap_url.is_empty() { post.ap_url = ap_url(&format!( "{}/~/{}/{}/", CONFIG.base_url, post.get_blog(conn)?.fqn, post.slug )); let _: Post = post.save_changes(conn)?; } searcher.add_document(conn, &post)?; Ok(post) } pub fn update(&self, conn: &Connection, searcher: &Searcher) -> Result { diesel::update(self).set(self).execute(conn)?; let post = Self::get(conn,; searcher.update_document(conn, &post)?; Ok(post) } pub fn delete(&self, conn: &Connection, searcher: &Searcher) -> Result<()> { for m in Mention::list_for_post(&conn, { m.delete(conn)?; } diesel::delete(self).execute(conn)?; searcher.delete_document(self); Ok(()) } pub fn list_by_tag( conn: &Connection, tag: String, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use schema::tags; let ids = tags::table.filter(tags::tag.eq(tag)).select(tags::post_id); posts::table .filter(posts::id.eq_any(ids)) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_for_tag(conn: &Connection, tag: String) -> Result { use schema::tags; let ids = tags::table.filter(tags::tag.eq(tag)).select(tags::post_id); posts::table .filter(posts::id.eq_any(ids)) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .count() .load(conn)? .iter() .next() .cloned() .ok_or(Error::NotFound) } pub fn count_local(conn: &Connection) -> Result { use schema::post_authors; use schema::users; let local_authors = users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq(Instance::get_local(conn)?.id)) .select(users::id); let local_posts_id = post_authors::table .filter(post_authors::author_id.eq_any(local_authors)) .select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table .filter(posts::id.eq_any(local_posts_id)) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count(conn: &Connection) -> Result { posts::table .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_recents(conn: &Connection, limit: i64) -> Result> { posts::table .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_recents_for_author( conn: &Connection, author: &User, limit: i64, ) -> Result> { use schema::post_authors; let posts = PostAuthor::belonging_to(author).select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table .filter(posts::id.eq_any(posts)) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_recents_for_blog(conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog, limit: i64) -> Result> { posts::table .filter(posts::blog_id.eq( .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_for_blog(conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog) -> Result> { posts::table .filter(posts::blog_id.eq( .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_for_blog(conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog) -> Result { posts::table .filter(posts::blog_id.eq( .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn blog_page(conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog, (min, max): (i32, i32)) -> Result> { posts::table .filter(posts::blog_id.eq( .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } /// Give a page of all the recent posts known to this instance (= federated timeline) pub fn get_recents_page(conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32)) -> Result> { posts::table .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } /// Give a page of posts from a specific instance pub fn get_instance_page( conn: &Connection, instance_id: i32, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use schema::blogs; let blog_ids = blogs::table .filter(blogs::instance_id.eq(instance_id)) .select(blogs::id); posts::table .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .filter(posts::blog_id.eq_any(blog_ids)) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } /// Give a page of customized user feed, based on a list of followed users pub fn user_feed_page( conn: &Connection, followed: Vec, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use schema::post_authors; let post_ids = post_authors::table .filter(post_authors::author_id.eq_any(followed)) .select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .filter(posts::id.eq_any(post_ids)) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn drafts_by_author(conn: &Connection, author: &User) -> Result> { use schema::post_authors; let posts = PostAuthor::belonging_to(author).select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .filter(posts::published.eq(false)) .filter(posts::id.eq_any(posts)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_authors(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { use schema::post_authors; use schema::users; let author_list = PostAuthor::belonging_to(self).select(post_authors::author_id); users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(author_list)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn is_author(&self, conn: &Connection, author_id: i32) -> Result { use schema::post_authors; Ok(PostAuthor::belonging_to(self) .filter(post_authors::author_id.eq(author_id)) .count() .get_result::(conn)? > 0) } pub fn get_blog(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { use schema::blogs; blogs::table .filter(blogs::id.eq(self.blog_id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn)? .into_iter() .nth(0) .ok_or(Error::NotFound) } pub fn count_likes(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { use schema::likes; likes::table .filter(likes::post_id.eq( .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_reshares(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { use schema::reshares; reshares::table .filter(reshares::post_id.eq( .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_receivers_urls(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { let followers = self .get_authors(conn)? .into_iter() .filter_map(|a| a.get_followers(conn).ok()) .collect::>>(); Ok(followers.into_iter().fold(vec![], |mut acc, f| { for x in f { acc.push(x.ap_url); } acc })) } pub fn to_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let cc = self.get_receivers_urls(conn)?; let to = vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.to_string()]; let mut mentions_json = Mention::list_for_post(conn, .into_iter() .map(|m| json!(m.to_activity(conn).ok())) .collect::>(); let mut tags_json = Tag::for_post(conn, .into_iter() .map(|t| json!(t.to_activity(conn).ok())) .collect::>(); mentions_json.append(&mut tags_json); let mut article = Article::default(); article.object_props.set_name_string(self.title.clone())?; article.object_props.set_id_string(self.ap_url.clone())?; let mut authors = self .get_authors(conn)? .into_iter() .map(|x| Id::new(x.ap_url)) .collect::>(); authors.push(self.get_blog(conn)?.into_id()); // add the blog URL here too article .object_props .set_attributed_to_link_vec::(authors)?; article .object_props .set_content_string(self.content.get().clone())?; article.ap_object_props.set_source_object(Source { content: self.source.clone(), media_type: String::from("text/markdown"), })?; article .object_props .set_published_utctime(Utc.from_utc_datetime(&self.creation_date))?; article .object_props .set_summary_string(self.subtitle.clone())?; article.object_props.tag = Some(json!(mentions_json)); if let Some(media_id) = self.cover_id { let media = Media::get(conn, media_id)?; let mut cover = Image::default(); cover.object_props.set_url_string(media.url(conn)?)?; if media.sensitive { cover .object_props .set_summary_string(media.content_warning.unwrap_or_default())?; } cover.object_props.set_content_string(media.alt_text)?; cover .object_props .set_attributed_to_link_vec(vec![User::get(conn, media.owner_id)?.into_id()])?; article.object_props.set_icon_object(cover)?; } article.object_props.set_url_string(self.ap_url.clone())?; article .object_props .set_to_link_vec::(to.into_iter().map(Id::new).collect())?; article .object_props .set_cc_link_vec::(cc.into_iter().map(Id::new).collect())?; let mut license = Licensed::default(); license.set_license_string(self.license.clone())?; Ok(LicensedArticle::new(article, license)) } pub fn create_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let article = self.to_activity(conn)?; let mut act = Create::default(); act.object_props .set_id_string(format!("{}activity", self.ap_url))?; act.object_props .set_to_link_vec::(article.object.object_props.to_link_vec()?)?; act.object_props .set_cc_link_vec::(article.object.object_props.cc_link_vec()?)?; act.create_props .set_actor_link(Id::new(self.get_authors(conn)?[0].clone().ap_url))?; act.create_props.set_object_object(article)?; Ok(act) } pub fn update_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let article = self.to_activity(conn)?; let mut act = Update::default(); act.object_props.set_id_string(format!( "{}/update-{}", self.ap_url, Utc::now().timestamp() ))?; act.object_props .set_to_link_vec::(article.object.object_props.to_link_vec()?)?; act.object_props .set_cc_link_vec::(article.object.object_props.cc_link_vec()?)?; act.update_props .set_actor_link(Id::new(self.get_authors(conn)?[0].clone().ap_url))?; act.update_props.set_object_object(article)?; Ok(act) } pub fn update_mentions(&self, conn: &Connection, mentions: Vec) -> Result<()> { let mentions = mentions .into_iter() .map(|m| { ( m.link_props .href_string() .ok() .and_then(|ap_url| User::find_by_ap_url(conn, &ap_url).ok()) .map(|u|, m, ) }) .filter_map(|(id, m)| { if let Some(id) = id { Some((m, id)) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); let old_mentions = Mention::list_for_post(&conn,; let old_user_mentioned = old_mentions .iter() .map(|m| m.mentioned_id) .collect::>(); for (m, id) in &mentions { if !old_user_mentioned.contains(&id) { Mention::from_activity(&*conn, &m,, true, true)?; } } let new_mentions = mentions .into_iter() .map(|(_m, id)| id) .collect::>(); for m in old_mentions .iter() .filter(|m| !new_mentions.contains(&m.mentioned_id)) { m.delete(&conn)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn update_tags(&self, conn: &Connection, tags: Vec) -> Result<()> { let tags_name = tags .iter() .filter_map(|t| t.name_string().ok()) .collect::>(); let old_tags = Tag::for_post(&*conn,; let old_tags_name = old_tags .iter() .filter_map(|tag| { if !tag.is_hashtag { Some(tag.tag.clone()) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); for t in tags { if !t .name_string() .map(|n| old_tags_name.contains(&n)) .unwrap_or(true) { Tag::from_activity(conn, &t,, false)?; } } for ot in old_tags.iter().filter(|t| !t.is_hashtag) { if !tags_name.contains(&ot.tag) { ot.delete(conn)?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn update_hashtags(&self, conn: &Connection, tags: Vec) -> Result<()> { let tags_name = tags .iter() .filter_map(|t| t.name_string().ok()) .collect::>(); let old_tags = Tag::for_post(&*conn,; let old_tags_name = old_tags .iter() .filter_map(|tag| { if tag.is_hashtag { Some(tag.tag.clone()) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); for t in tags { if !t .name_string() .map(|n| old_tags_name.contains(&n)) .unwrap_or(true) { Tag::from_activity(conn, &t,, true)?; } } for ot in old_tags.into_iter().filter(|t| t.is_hashtag) { if !tags_name.contains(&ot.tag) { ot.delete(conn)?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn url(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let blog = self.get_blog(conn)?; Ok(format!("/~/{}/{}", blog.fqn, self.slug)) } pub fn cover_url(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Option { self.cover_id .and_then(|i| Media::get(conn, i).ok()) .and_then(|c| c.url(conn).ok()) } pub fn build_delete(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut act = Delete::default(); act.delete_props .set_actor_link(self.get_authors(conn)?[0].clone().into_id())?; let mut tombstone = Tombstone::default(); tombstone.object_props.set_id_string(self.ap_url.clone())?; act.delete_props.set_object_object(tombstone)?; act.object_props .set_id_string(format!("{}#delete", self.ap_url))?; act.object_props .set_to_link_vec(vec![Id::new(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY)])?; Ok(act) } } impl FromId for Post { type Error = Error; type Object = LicensedArticle; fn from_db(c: &PlumeRocket, id: &str) -> Result { Self::find_by_ap_url(&c.conn, id) } fn from_activity(c: &PlumeRocket, article: LicensedArticle) -> Result { let conn = &*c.conn; let searcher = &c.searcher; let license = article.custom_props.license_string().unwrap_or_default(); let article = article.object; let (blog, authors) = article .object_props .attributed_to_link_vec::()? .into_iter() .fold((None, vec![]), |(blog, mut authors), link| { let url: String = link.into(); match User::from_id(&c, &url, None) { Ok(u) => { authors.push(u); (blog, authors) } Err(_) => (blog.or_else(|| Blog::from_id(&c, &url, None).ok()), authors), } }); let cover = article .object_props .icon_object::() .ok() .and_then(|img| Media::from_activity(&c, &img).ok().map(|m|; let title = article.object_props.name_string()?; let post = Post::insert( conn, NewPost { blog_id: blog?.id, slug: title.to_kebab_case(), title, content: SafeString::new(&article.object_props.content_string()?), published: true, license, // FIXME: This is wrong: with this logic, we may use the display URL as the AP ID. We need two different fields ap_url: article .object_props .url_string() .or_else(|_| article.object_props.id_string())?, creation_date: Some(article.object_props.published_utctime()?.naive_utc()), subtitle: article.object_props.summary_string()?, source: article.ap_object_props.source_object::()?.content, cover_id: cover, }, searcher, )?; for author in authors { PostAuthor::insert( conn, NewPostAuthor { post_id:, author_id:, }, )?; } // save mentions and tags let mut hashtags = md_to_html(&post.source, "", false, None) .2 .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_camel_case()) .collect::>(); if let Some(serde_json::Value::Array(tags)) = article.object_props.tag.clone() { for tag in tags { serde_json::from_value::(tag.clone()) .map(|m| Mention::from_activity(conn, &m,, true, true)) .ok(); serde_json::from_value::(tag.clone()) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|t| { let tag_name = t.name_string()?; Ok(Tag::from_activity( conn, &t,, hashtags.remove(&tag_name), )) }) .ok(); } } Ok(post) } } impl AsObject for Post { type Error = Error; type Output = Post; fn activity(self, _c: &PlumeRocket, _actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result { // TODO: check that _actor is actually one of the author? Ok(self) } } impl AsObject for Post { type Error = Error; type Output = (); fn activity(self, c: &PlumeRocket, actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result<()> { let can_delete = self .get_authors(&c.conn)? .into_iter() .any(|a| ==; if can_delete { self.delete(&c.conn, &c.searcher).map(|_| ()) } else { Err(Error::Unauthorized) } } } pub struct PostUpdate { pub ap_url: String, pub title: Option, pub subtitle: Option, pub content: Option, pub cover: Option, pub source: Option, pub license: Option, pub tags: Option, } impl FromId for PostUpdate { type Error = Error; type Object = LicensedArticle; fn from_db(_: &PlumeRocket, _: &str) -> Result { // Always fail because we always want to deserialize the AP object Err(Error::NotFound) } fn from_activity(c: &PlumeRocket, updated: LicensedArticle) -> Result { Ok(PostUpdate { ap_url: updated.object.object_props.id_string()?, title: updated.object.object_props.name_string().ok(), subtitle: updated.object.object_props.summary_string().ok(), content: updated.object.object_props.content_string().ok(), cover: updated .object .object_props .icon_object::() .ok() .and_then(|img| Media::from_activity(&c, &img).ok().map(|m|, source: updated .object .ap_object_props .source_object::() .ok() .map(|x| x.content), license: updated.custom_props.license_string().ok(), tags: updated.object.object_props.tag.clone(), }) } } impl AsObject for PostUpdate { type Error = Error; type Output = (); fn activity(self, c: &PlumeRocket, actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result<()> { let conn = &*c.conn; let searcher = &c.searcher; let mut post = Post::from_id(c, &self.ap_url, None).map_err(|(_, e)| e)?; if !post.is_author(conn, { // TODO: maybe the author was added in the meantime return Err(Error::Unauthorized); } if let Some(title) = self.title { post.slug = title.to_kebab_case(); post.title = title; } if let Some(content) = self.content { post.content = SafeString::new(&content); } if let Some(subtitle) = self.subtitle { post.subtitle = subtitle; } post.cover_id = self.cover; if let Some(source) = self.source { post.source = source; } if let Some(license) = self.license { post.license = license; } let mut txt_hashtags = md_to_html(&post.source, "", false, None) .2 .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_camel_case()) .collect::>(); if let Some(serde_json::Value::Array(mention_tags)) = self.tags { let mut mentions = vec![]; let mut tags = vec![]; let mut hashtags = vec![]; for tag in mention_tags { serde_json::from_value::(tag.clone()) .map(|m| mentions.push(m)) .ok(); serde_json::from_value::(tag.clone()) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|t| { let tag_name = t.name_string()?; if txt_hashtags.remove(&tag_name) { hashtags.push(t); } else { tags.push(t); } Ok(()) }) .ok(); } post.update_mentions(conn, mentions)?; post.update_tags(conn, tags)?; post.update_hashtags(conn, hashtags)?; } post.update(conn, searcher)?; Ok(()) } } impl IntoId for Post { fn into_id(self) -> Id { Id::new(self.ap_url.clone()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::inbox::{inbox, tests::fill_database, InboxResult}; use crate::safe_string::SafeString; use crate::tests::rockets; use diesel::Connection; // creates a post, get it's Create activity, delete the post, // "send" the Create to the inbox, and check it works #[test] fn self_federation() { let r = rockets(); let conn = &*r.conn; conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&r); let post = Post::insert( conn, NewPost { blog_id: blogs[0].id, slug: "yo".into(), title: "Yo".into(), content: SafeString::new("Hello"), published: true, license: "WTFPL".to_string(), creation_date: None, ap_url: String::new(), // automatically updated when inserting subtitle: "Testing".into(), source: "Hello".into(), cover_id: None, }, &r.searcher, ) .unwrap(); PostAuthor::insert( conn, NewPostAuthor { post_id:, author_id: users[0].id, }, ) .unwrap(); let create = post.create_activity(conn).unwrap(); post.delete(conn, &r.searcher).unwrap(); match inbox(&r, serde_json::to_value(create).unwrap()).unwrap() { InboxResult::Post(p) => { assert!(p.is_author(conn, users[0].id).unwrap()); assert_eq!(p.source, "Hello".to_owned()); assert_eq!(p.blog_id, blogs[0].id); assert_eq!(p.content, SafeString::new("Hello")); assert_eq!(p.subtitle, "Testing".to_owned()); assert_eq!(p.title, "Yo".to_owned()); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), }; Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn licensed_article_serde() { let mut article = Article::default(); article.object_props.set_id_string("Yo".into()).unwrap(); let mut license = Licensed::default(); license.set_license_string("WTFPL".into()).unwrap(); let full_article = LicensedArticle::new(article, license); let json = serde_json::to_value(full_article).unwrap(); let article_from_json: LicensedArticle = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap(); assert_eq!( "Yo", &article_from_json.object.object_props.id_string().unwrap() ); assert_eq!( "WTFPL", &article_from_json.custom_props.license_string().unwrap() ); } #[test] fn licensed_article_deserialization() { let json = json!({ "type": "Article", "id": "", "attributedTo": ["", ""], "content": "Hello.", "name": "My Article", "summary": "Bye.", "source": { "content": "Hello.", "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }); let article: LicensedArticle = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap(); assert_eq!( "", &article.object.object_props.id_string().unwrap() ); } }