extern crate activitypub; extern crate ammonia; extern crate bcrypt; extern crate chrono; #[macro_use] extern crate diesel; extern crate heck; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate openssl; extern crate plume_common; extern crate reqwest; extern crate rocket; extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; extern crate url; extern crate webfinger; use diesel::{PgConnection, RunQueryDsl, select}; use std::env; macro_rules! find_by { ($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ident),+) => { /// Try to find a $table with a given $col pub fn $fn(conn: &PgConnection, $($col: $type),+) -> Option { $table::table $(.filter($table::$col.eq($col)))+ .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading $table by $col") .into_iter().nth(0) } }; } macro_rules! list_by { ($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ident),+) => { /// Try to find a $table with a given $col pub fn $fn(conn: &PgConnection, $($col: $type),+) -> Vec { $table::table $(.filter($table::$col.eq($col)))+ .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading $table by $col") } }; } macro_rules! get { ($table:ident) => { pub fn get(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32) -> Option { $table::table.filter($table::id.eq(id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading $table by id") .into_iter().nth(0) } }; } macro_rules! insert { ($table:ident, $from:ident) => { pub fn insert(conn: &PgConnection, new: $from) -> Self { diesel::insert_into($table::table) .values(new) .get_result(conn) .expect("Error saving new $table") } }; } sql_function!(nextval, nextval_t, (seq: ::diesel::sql_types::Text) -> ::diesel::sql_types::BigInt); sql_function!(setval, setval_t, (seq: ::diesel::sql_types::Text, val: ::diesel::sql_types::BigInt) -> ::diesel::sql_types::BigInt); fn get_next_id(conn: &PgConnection, seq: &str) -> i32 { // We cant' use currval because it may fail if nextval have never been called before let next = select(nextval(seq)).get_result::(conn).expect("Next ID fail"); if next > 1 { select(setval(seq, next - 1)).get_result::(conn).expect("Reset ID fail"); } next as i32 } lazy_static! { pub static ref BASE_URL: String = env::var("BASE_URL") .unwrap_or(format!("{}", env::var("ROCKET_PORT").unwrap_or(String::from("8000")))); pub static ref DB_URL: String = env::var("DB_URL") .unwrap_or(format!("postgres://plume:plume@localhost/{}", env::var("DB_NAME").unwrap_or(String::from("plume")))); pub static ref USE_HTTPS: bool = env::var("USE_HTTPS").map(|val| val == "1").unwrap_or(true); } pub fn ap_url(url: String) -> String { let scheme = if *USE_HTTPS { "https" } else { "http" }; format!("{}://{}", scheme, url) } pub mod admin; pub mod blog_authors; pub mod blogs; pub mod comments; pub mod db_conn; pub mod follows; pub mod instance; pub mod likes; pub mod medias; pub mod mentions; pub mod notifications; pub mod post_authors; pub mod posts; pub mod reshares; pub mod safe_string; pub mod schema; pub mod tags; pub mod users;