use bcrypt; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::{self, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, ExpressionMethods, BelongingToDsl, PgConnection}; use diesel::dsl::any; use reqwest::Client; use reqwest::header::{Accept, qitem}; use reqwest::mime::Mime; use rocket::request::{self, FromRequest, Request}; use rocket::outcome::IntoOutcome; use serde_json; use url::Url; use BASE_URL; use activity_pub::activity::Activity; use activity_pub::actor::{ActorType, Actor}; use activity_pub::inbox::Inbox; use activity_pub::outbox::Outbox; use activity_pub::webfinger::{Webfinger, resolve}; use db_conn::DbConn; use models::follows::Follow; use models::instance::Instance; use models::post_authors::PostAuthor; use models::posts::Post; use schema::users; pub const AUTH_COOKIE: &'static str = "user_id"; #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Serialize)] pub struct User { pub id: i32, pub username: String, pub display_name: String, pub outbox_url: String, pub inbox_url: String, pub is_admin: bool, pub summary: String, pub email: Option, pub hashed_password: Option, pub instance_id: i32, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub ap_url: String } #[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name = "users"] pub struct NewUser { pub username: String, pub display_name: String, pub outbox_url: String, pub inbox_url: String, pub is_admin: bool, pub summary: String, pub email: Option, pub hashed_password: Option, pub instance_id: i32, pub ap_url: String } impl User { pub fn grant_admin_rights() {} pub fn insert (conn: &PgConnection, new: NewUser) -> User { diesel::insert_into(users::table) .values(new) .get_result(conn) .expect("Error saving new user") } pub fn get(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32) -> Option { users::table.filter(users::id.eq(id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading user by id") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn find_by_email(conn: &PgConnection, email: String) -> Option { users::table.filter(users::email.eq(email)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading user by email") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn find_by_name(conn: &PgConnection, username: String, instance_id: i32) -> Option { users::table.filter(users::username.eq(username)) .filter(users::instance_id.eq(instance_id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading user by name") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn find_local(conn: &PgConnection, username: String) -> Option { User::find_by_name(conn, username, Instance::local_id(conn)) } pub fn find_by_fqn(conn: &PgConnection, fqn: String) -> Option { if fqn.contains("@") { // remote user match Instance::get_by_domain(conn, String::from(fqn.split("@").last().unwrap())) { Some(instance) => { match User::find_by_name(conn, String::from(fqn.split("@").nth(0).unwrap()), { Some(u) => Some(u), None => User::fetch_from_webfinger(conn, fqn) } }, None => User::fetch_from_webfinger(conn, fqn) } } else { // local user User::find_local(conn, fqn) } } fn fetch_from_webfinger(conn: &PgConnection, acct: String) -> Option { match resolve(acct.clone()) { Ok(url) => User::fetch_from_url(conn, url), Err(details) => { println!("{}", details); None } } } fn fetch_from_url(conn: &PgConnection, url: String) -> Option { let req = Client::new() .get(&url[..]) .header(Accept(vec![qitem("application/activity+json".parse::().unwrap())])) .send(); match req { Ok(mut res) => { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&res.text().unwrap()).unwrap(); Some(User::from_activity(conn, json, Url::parse(url.as_ref()).unwrap().host_str().unwrap().to_string())) }, Err(_) => None } } fn from_activity(conn: &PgConnection, acct: serde_json::Value, inst: String) -> User { let instance = match Instance::get_by_domain(conn, inst.clone()) { Some(instance) => instance, None => { Instance::insert(conn, inst.clone(), inst.clone(), false) } }; User::insert(conn, NewUser { username: acct["preferredUsername"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(), display_name: acct["name"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(), outbox_url: acct["outbox"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(), inbox_url: acct["inbox"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(), is_admin: false, summary: acct["summary"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(), email: None, hashed_password: None, instance_id:, ap_url: acct["id"].as_str().unwrap().to_string() }) } pub fn hash_pass(pass: String) -> String { bcrypt::hash(pass.as_str(), bcrypt::DEFAULT_COST).unwrap() } pub fn auth(&self, pass: String) -> bool { bcrypt::verify(pass.as_str(), self.hashed_password.clone().unwrap().as_str()).is_ok() } pub fn update_boxes(&self, conn: &PgConnection) { if self.outbox_url.len() == 0 { diesel::update(self) .set(users::outbox_url.eq(self.compute_outbox(conn))) .get_result::(conn).expect("Couldn't update outbox URL"); } if self.inbox_url.len() == 0 { diesel::update(self) .set(users::inbox_url.eq(self.compute_inbox(conn))) .get_result::(conn).expect("Couldn't update inbox URL"); } if self.ap_url.len() == 0 { diesel::update(self) .set(users::ap_url.eq(self.compute_id(conn))) .get_result::(conn).expect("Couldn't update AP URL"); } } pub fn outbox(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Outbox { Outbox::new(self.compute_outbox(conn), self.get_activities(conn)) } fn get_activities(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { use schema::posts; use schema::post_authors; let posts_by_self = PostAuthor::belonging_to(self).select(post_authors::post_id); let posts = posts::table.filter(posts::id.eq(any(posts_by_self))).load::(conn).unwrap(); posts.into_iter().map(|p| Activity::create(self, p, conn)).collect::>() } pub fn get_followers(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { use schema::follows; let follows = Follow::belonging_to(self).select(follows::follower_id); users::table.filter(users::id.eq(any(follows))).load::(conn).unwrap() } pub fn get_following(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { use schema::follows; let follows = follows::table.filter(follows::follower_id.eq(; users::table.filter(users::id.eq(any(follows))).load::(conn).unwrap() } } impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for User { type Error = (); fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome { let conn = request.guard::()?; request.cookies() .get_private(AUTH_COOKIE) .and_then(|cookie| cookie.value().parse().ok()) .map(|id| User::get(&*conn, id).unwrap()) .or_forward(()) } } impl Actor for User { fn get_box_prefix() -> &'static str { "@" } fn get_actor_id(&self) -> String { self.username.to_string() } fn get_instance(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Instance { Instance::get(conn, self.instance_id).unwrap() } fn get_actor_type() -> ActorType { ActorType::Person } fn from_url(conn: &PgConnection, url: String) -> Option { let in_db = users::table.filter(users::ap_url.eq(url.clone())) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading user by AP url") .into_iter().nth(0); match in_db { Some(u) => Some(u), None => { // The requested user was not in the DB // We try to fetch it if it is remote if Url::parse(url.as_ref()).unwrap().host_str().unwrap() != BASE_URL.as_str() { Some(User::fetch_from_url(conn, url).unwrap()) } else { None } } } } } impl Inbox for User { fn received(&self, conn: &PgConnection, act: serde_json::Value) {, act); // TODO: add to stream or create notification, or whatever needs to be done } } impl Webfinger for User { fn webfinger_subject(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> String { format!("acct:{}@{}", self.username, self.get_instance(conn).public_domain) } fn webfinger_aliases(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { vec![self.compute_id(conn)] } fn webfinger_links(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec> { vec![ vec![ (String::from("rel"), String::from("")), (String::from("href"), self.compute_id(conn)) ], vec![ (String::from("rel"), String::from("")), (String::from("type"), String::from("application/atom+xml")), (String::from("href"), self.compute_box(conn, "feed.atom")) ], vec![ (String::from("rel"), String::from("self")), (String::from("type"), String::from("application/activity+json")), (String::from("href"), self.compute_id(conn)) ] ] } } impl NewUser { /// Creates a new local user pub fn new_local( username: String, display_name: String, is_admin: bool, summary: String, email: String, password: String, instance_id: i32 ) -> NewUser { NewUser { username: username, display_name: display_name, outbox_url: String::from(""), inbox_url: String::from(""), is_admin: is_admin, summary: summary, email: Some(email), hashed_password: Some(password), instance_id: instance_id, ap_url: String::from("") } } }