{% extends "base" %} {% import "macros" as macros %} {% block title %} Search {% endblock title %} {% block head %} {% endblock head %} {% block content %}


Advanced search {{ macros::input(name="title", label="Title matching these words", props='placeholder="Title"') }} {{ macros::input(name="subtitle", label="Subtitle matching these words", props='placeholder="Subtitle"') }} {{ macros::input(name="content", label="Content matching these words", props='placeholder="Content"') }} {{ macros::input(name="after", label="From this date", type="date", props='max=' ~ now) }} {{ macros::input(name="before", label="To this date", type="date", props='max=' ~ now) }} {{ macros::input(name="instance", label="Sent from one of these instance", props='placeholder="Instance domain"') }} {{ macros::input(name="author", label="Sent by one of these author", props='placeholder="Authors"') }} {{ macros::input(name="tag", label="Containing these tags", props='placeholder="Tags"') }} {{ macros::input(name="blog", label="In blog", props='placeholder="Blog title"') }} {{ macros::input(name="lang", label="Language used", props='placeholder="Language"') }} {{ macros::input(name="license", label="Using license", props='placeholder="License"') }}
{% endblock content %}