use activitypub::activity::*; use activitystreams::activity::Delete as Delete07; use crate::{ comments::Comment, db_conn::DbConn, follows, likes, posts::{Post, PostUpdate}, reshares::Reshare, users::User, Error, CONFIG, }; use plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::Inbox; macro_rules! impl_into_inbox_result { ( $( $t:ty => $variant:ident ),+ ) => { $( impl From<$t> for InboxResult { fn from(x: $t) -> InboxResult { InboxResult::$variant(x) } } )+ } } pub enum InboxResult { Commented(Comment), Followed(follows::Follow), Liked(likes::Like), Other, Post(Post), Reshared(Reshare), } impl From<()> for InboxResult { fn from(_: ()) -> InboxResult { InboxResult::Other } } impl_into_inbox_result! { Comment => Commented, follows::Follow => Followed, likes::Like => Liked, Post => Post, Reshare => Reshared } pub fn inbox(conn: &DbConn, act: serde_json::Value) -> Result { Inbox::handle(conn, act) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with07::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .with::(CONFIG.proxy()) .done() } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::InboxResult; use crate::blogs::tests::fill_database as blog_fill_db; use crate::db_conn::DbConn; use crate::safe_string::SafeString; use crate::tests::db; use diesel::Connection; pub fn fill_database( conn: &DbConn, ) -> ( Vec, Vec, Vec, ) { use crate::post_authors::*; use crate::posts::*; let (users, blogs) = blog_fill_db(&conn); let post = Post::insert( &conn, NewPost { blog_id: blogs[0].id, slug: "testing".to_owned(), title: "Testing".to_owned(), content: crate::safe_string::SafeString::new("Hello"), published: true, license: "WTFPL".to_owned(), creation_date: None, ap_url: format!("{}/testing", blogs[0].actor_id), subtitle: String::new(), source: String::new(), cover_id: None, }, ) .unwrap(); PostAuthor::insert( &conn, NewPostAuthor { post_id:, author_id: users[0].id, }, ) .unwrap(); (vec![post], users, blogs) } #[test] fn announce_post() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": posts[0].ap_url, "type": "Announce", }); match super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap() { super::InboxResult::Reshared(r) => { assert_eq!(r.post_id, posts[0].id); assert_eq!(r.user_id, users[0].id); assert_eq!(r.ap_url, "".to_owned()); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), }; Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn create_comment() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": users[0].ap_url, "inReplyTo": posts[0].ap_url, "content": "Hello.", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); match super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap() { super::InboxResult::Commented(c) => { assert_eq!(c.author_id, users[0].id); assert_eq!(c.post_id, posts[0].id); assert_eq!(c.in_response_to_id, None); assert_eq!(c.content, SafeString::new("Hello.")); assert!(c.public_visibility); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), }; Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_comment() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": users[1].ap_url, "inReplyTo": posts[0].ap_url, "content": "Hello.", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_comment_by_object_with_id() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": { "id": users[1].ap_url }, "inReplyTo": posts[0].ap_url, "content": "Hello.", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_comment_by_object_without_id() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": {}, "inReplyTo": posts[0].ap_url, "content": "Hello.", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn create_post() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Article", "id": "", "attributedTo": [users[0].ap_url, blogs[0].ap_url], "content": "Hello.", "name": "My Article", "summary": "Bye.", "source": { "content": "Hello.", "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); match super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap() { super::InboxResult::Post(p) => { assert!(p.is_author(&conn, users[0].id).unwrap()); assert_eq!(p.source, "Hello.".to_owned()); assert_eq!(p.blog_id, blogs[0].id); assert_eq!(p.content, SafeString::new("Hello.")); assert_eq!(p.subtitle, "Bye.".to_owned()); assert_eq!(p.title, "My Article".to_owned()); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), }; Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_post() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Article", "id": "", "attributedTo": [users[1].ap_url, blogs[0].ap_url], "content": "Hello.", "name": "My Article", "summary": "Bye.", "source": { "content": "Hello.", "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_post_by_object_with_id() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Article", "id": "", "attributedTo": [ {"id": users[1].ap_url}, blogs[0].ap_url ], "content": "Hello.", "name": "My Article", "summary": "Bye.", "source": { "content": "Hello.", "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn spoof_post_by_object_without_id() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Article", "id": "", "attributedTo": [{}, blogs[0].ap_url], "content": "Hello.", "name": "My Article", "summary": "Bye.", "source": { "content": "Hello.", "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z", "to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY] }, "type": "Create", }); assert!(matches!( super::inbox(&conn, act.clone()), Err(super::Error::Inbox( box plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError::InvalidObject(_), )) )); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn delete_comment() { use crate::comments::*; let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); Comment::insert( &conn, NewComment { content: SafeString::new("My comment"), in_response_to_id: None, post_id: posts[0].id, author_id: users[0].id, ap_url: Some("".to_owned()), sensitive: false, spoiler_text: "spoiler".to_owned(), public_visibility: true, }, ) .unwrap(); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the author of the comment, it should fail "object": "", "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": "", "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn delete_post() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the author of the post, it should fail "object": posts[0].ap_url, "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": posts[0].ap_url, "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn delete_user() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the same account "object": users[0].ap_url, "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": users[0].ap_url, "type": "Delete", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); assert!(crate::users::User::get(&conn, users[0].id).is_err()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn follow() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": users[1].ap_url, "type": "Follow", }); match super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap() { InboxResult::Followed(f) => { assert_eq!(f.follower_id, users[0].id); assert_eq!(f.following_id, users[1].id); assert_eq!(f.ap_url, "".to_owned()); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), } Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn like() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, "object": posts[0].ap_url, "type": "Like", }); match super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap() { InboxResult::Liked(l) => { assert_eq!(l.user_id, users[1].id); assert_eq!(l.post_id, posts[0].id); assert_eq!(l.ap_url, "".to_owned()); } _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), } Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn undo_reshare() { use crate::reshares::*; let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let announce = Reshare::insert( &conn, NewReshare { post_id: posts[0].id, user_id: users[1].id, ap_url: "".to_owned(), }, ) .unwrap(); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": announce.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, "object": announce.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn undo_follow() { use crate::follows::*; let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let follow = Follow::insert( &conn, NewFollow { follower_id: users[0].id, following_id: users[1].id, ap_url: "".to_owned(), }, ) .unwrap(); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[2].ap_url, "object": follow.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": follow.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn undo_like() { use crate::likes::*; let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let like = Like::insert( &conn, NewLike { post_id: posts[0].id, user_id: users[1].id, ap_url: "".to_owned(), }, ) .unwrap(); let fail_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": like.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, fail_act).is_err()); let ok_act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[1].ap_url, "object": like.ap_url, "type": "Undo", }); assert!(super::inbox(&conn, ok_act).is_ok()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn update_post() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&conn); let act = json!({ "id": "", "actor": users[0].ap_url, "object": { "type": "Article", "id": posts[0].ap_url, "name": "Mia Artikolo", "summary": "Jes, mi parolas esperanton nun", "content": "Saluton, mi skribas testojn", "source": { "mediaType": "text/markdown", "content": "**Saluton**, mi skribas testojn" }, }, "type": "Update", }); super::inbox(&conn, act).unwrap(); Ok(()) }); } }