{% extends "base" %} {% import "macros" as macros %} {% block title %} {{ instance.name }} {% endblock title %} {% block content %}

{{ "Welcome on {{ instance_name | escape }}" | _(instance_name=instance.name) }}

{% if account %} {{ macros::tabs(links=['/', '/feed', '/federated', '/local'], titles=['Latest articles', 'Your feed', 'Federated feed', 'Local feed'], selected=1) }} {% else %} {{ macros::tabs(links=['/', '/federated', '/local'], titles=['Latest articles', 'Federated feed', 'Local feed'], selected=1) }} {% endif %}
{% for article in recents %} {{ macros::post_card(article=article) }} {% endfor %}
{{ macros::paginate(page=page, total=n_pages) }}

{{ "What is Plume?" | _ }}

{{ "Plume is a decentralized blogging engine." | _ }}

{{ "Authors can manage various blogs from an unique website." | _ }}

{{ "Articles are also visible on other Plume websites, and you can interact with them directly from other platforms like Mastodon." | _ }}

{{ "Create your account" | _ }}

{{ "About {{ instance_name }}" | _(instance_name=instance.name) }}

{{ instance.short_description_html | safe }}

{{ "Home to" | _ }}

{{ n_users }}

{{ "people" | _ }}

{{ "Who wrote" | _ }}

{{ n_articles }}

{{ "articles" | _ }}

{{ "Read the detailed rules" | _ }}
{% endblock content %}