use rocket::response::{Flash, Redirect}; use rocket_i18n::I18n; use plume_common::utils; use plume_models::{notifications::Notification, users::User, PlumeRocket}; use routes::{errors::ErrorPage, Page}; use template_utils::{IntoContext, Ructe}; #[get("/notifications?")] pub fn notifications( user: User, page: Option, rockets: PlumeRocket, ) -> Result { let page = page.unwrap_or_default(); Ok(render!(notifications::index( &rockets.to_context(), Notification::page_for_user(&*rockets.conn, &user, page.limits())?, page.0, Page::total(Notification::count_for_user(&*rockets.conn, &user)? as i32) ))) } #[get("/notifications?", rank = 2)] pub fn notifications_auth(i18n: I18n, page: Option) -> Flash { utils::requires_login( &i18n!( i18n.catalog, "To see your notifications, you need to be logged in" ), uri!(notifications: page = page), ) }