use stdweb::{ unstable::{TryFrom, TryInto}, web::{event::*, html_element::*, *}, }; use CATALOG; macro_rules! mv { ( $( $var:ident ),* => $exp:expr ) => { { $( let $var = $var.clone(); )* $exp } } } fn get_elt_value(id: &'static str) -> String { let elt = document().get_element_by_id(id).unwrap(); let inp: Result = elt.clone().try_into(); let textarea: Result = elt.try_into();|i| i.raw_value()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| textarea.unwrap().value()) } fn set_value>(id: &'static str, val: S) { let elt = document().get_element_by_id(id).unwrap(); let inp: Result = elt.clone().try_into(); let textarea: Result = elt.try_into();|i| i.set_raw_value(val.as_ref())) .unwrap_or_else(|_| textarea.unwrap().set_value(val.as_ref())) } fn no_return(evt: KeyDownEvent) { if evt.key() == "Enter" { evt.prevent_default(); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum EditorError { NoneError, DOMError, TypeError, } impl From for EditorError { fn from(_: std::option::NoneError) -> Self { EditorError::NoneError } } impl From for EditorError { fn from(_: stdweb::web::error::InvalidCharacterError) -> Self { EditorError::DOMError } } impl From for EditorError { fn from(_: stdweb::private::TODO) -> Self { EditorError::DOMError } } impl From for EditorError { fn from(_: stdweb::private::ConversionError) -> Self { EditorError::TypeError } } fn init_widget( parent: &Element, tag: &'static str, placeholder_text: String, content: String, disable_return: bool, ) -> Result { let widget = placeholder(make_editable(tag).try_into()?, &placeholder_text); if !content.is_empty() { widget.dataset().insert("edited", "true")?; } widget.append_child(&document().create_text_node(&content)); if disable_return { widget.add_event_listener(no_return); } parent.append_child(&widget); // We need to do that to make sure the placeholder is correctly rendered widget.focus(); widget.blur(); Ok(widget) } pub fn init() -> Result<(), EditorError> { if let Some(ed) = document().get_element_by_id("plume-editor") { // Show the editor js! { @{&ed}.style.display = "block"; }; // And hide the HTML-only fallback let old_ed = document().get_element_by_id("plume-fallback-editor")?; let old_title = document().get_element_by_id("plume-editor-title")?; js! { @{&old_ed}.style.display = "none"; @{&old_title}.style.display = "none"; }; // Get content from the old editor (when editing an article for instance) let title_val = get_elt_value("title"); let subtitle_val = get_elt_value("subtitle"); let content_val = get_elt_value("editor-content"); // And pre-fill the new editor with this values let title = init_widget(&ed, "h1", i18n!(CATALOG, "Title"), title_val, true)?; let subtitle = init_widget( &ed, "h2", i18n!(CATALOG, "Subtitle or summary"), subtitle_val, true, )?; let content = init_widget( &ed, "article", i18n!(CATALOG, "Write your article here. Markdown is supported."), content_val.clone(), true, )?; js! { @{&content}.innerHTML = @{content_val}; }; // character counter content.add_event_listener(mv!(content => move |_: KeyDownEvent| { window().set_timeout(mv!(content => move || { if let Some(e) = document().get_element_by_id("char-count") { let count = chars_left("#plume-fallback-editor", &content).unwrap_or_default(); let text = i18n!(CATALOG, "Around {} characters left"; count); HtmlElement::try_from(e).map(|e| { js!{@{e}.innerText = @{text}}; }).ok(); }; }), 0); })); document().get_element_by_id("publish")?.add_event_listener( mv!(title, subtitle, content, old_ed => move |_: ClickEvent| { let popup = document().get_element_by_id("publish-popup").or_else(|| init_popup(&title, &subtitle, &content, &old_ed).ok() ).unwrap(); let bg = document().get_element_by_id("popup-bg").or_else(|| init_popup_bg().ok() ).unwrap(); popup.class_list().add("show").unwrap(); bg.class_list().add("show").unwrap(); }), ); } Ok(()) } fn init_popup( title: &HtmlElement, subtitle: &HtmlElement, content: &HtmlElement, old_ed: &Element, ) -> Result { let popup = document().create_element("div")?; popup.class_list().add("popup")?; popup.set_attribute("id", "publish-popup")?; let tags = get_elt_value("tags") .split(',') .map(str::trim) .map(str::to_string) .collect::>(); let license = get_elt_value("license"); make_input(&i18n!(CATALOG, "Tags"), "popup-tags", &popup).set_raw_value(&tags.join(", ")); make_input(&i18n!(CATALOG, "License"), "popup-license", &popup).set_raw_value(&license); let cover_label = document().create_element("label")?; cover_label.append_child(&document().create_text_node(&i18n!(CATALOG, "Cover"))); cover_label.set_attribute("for", "cover")?; let cover = document().get_element_by_id("cover")?; cover.parent_element()?.remove_child(&cover).ok(); popup.append_child(&cover_label); popup.append_child(&cover); let button = document().create_element("input")?; js! { @{&button}.type = "submit"; @{&button}.value = @{i18n!(CATALOG, "Publish")}; }; button.append_child(&document().create_text_node(&i18n!(CATALOG, "Publish"))); button.add_event_listener(mv!(title, subtitle, content, old_ed => move |_: ClickEvent| { set_value("title", title.inner_text()); set_value("subtitle", subtitle.inner_text()); set_value("editor-content", js!{ return @{&content}.innerHTML }.as_str().unwrap_or_default()); set_value("tags", get_elt_value("popup-tags")); let cover = document().get_element_by_id("cover").unwrap(); cover.parent_element().unwrap().remove_child(&cover).ok(); old_ed.append_child(&cover); set_value("license", get_elt_value("popup-license")); js! { @{&old_ed}.submit(); }; })); popup.append_child(&button); document().body()?.append_child(&popup); Ok(popup) } fn init_popup_bg() -> Result { let bg = document().create_element("div")?; bg.class_list().add("popup-bg")?; bg.set_attribute("id", "popup-bg")?; document().body()?.append_child(&bg); bg.add_event_listener(|_: ClickEvent| close_popup()); Ok(bg) } fn chars_left(selector: &str, content: &HtmlElement) -> Option { match document().query_selector(selector) { Ok(Some(form)) => HtmlElement::try_from(form).ok().and_then(|form| { if let Some(len) = form .get_attribute("content-size") .and_then(|s| s.parse::().ok()) { (js! { let x = encodeURIComponent(@{content}.innerHTML) .replace(/%20/g, "+") .replace(/%0A/g, "%0D%0A") .replace(new RegExp("[!'*()]", "g"), "XXX") // replace exceptions of encodeURIComponent with placeholder .length + 2; console.log(x); return x; }) .try_into() .map(|c: i32| len - c) .ok() } else { None } }), _ => None, } } fn close_popup() { let hide = |x: Element| x.class_list().remove("show"); document().get_element_by_id("publish-popup").map(hide); document().get_element_by_id("popup-bg").map(hide); } fn make_input(label_text: &str, name: &'static str, form: &Element) -> InputElement { let label = document().create_element("label").unwrap(); label.append_child(&document().create_text_node(label_text)); label.set_attribute("for", name).unwrap(); let inp: InputElement = document() .create_element("input") .unwrap() .try_into() .unwrap(); inp.set_attribute("name", name).unwrap(); inp.set_attribute("id", name).unwrap(); form.append_child(&label); form.append_child(&inp); inp } fn make_editable(tag: &'static str) -> Element { let elt = document() .create_element(tag) .expect("Couldn't create editable element"); elt.set_attribute("contenteditable", "true") .expect("Couldn't make element editable"); elt } fn placeholder(elt: HtmlElement, text: &str) -> HtmlElement { elt.dataset().insert("placeholder", text).unwrap(); elt.dataset().insert("edited", "false").unwrap(); elt.add_event_listener(mv!(elt => move |_: FocusEvent| { if elt.dataset().get("edited").unwrap().as_str() != "true" { clear_children(&elt); } })); elt.add_event_listener(mv!(elt => move |_: BlurEvent| { if elt.dataset().get("edited").unwrap().as_str() != "true" { clear_children(&elt); let ph = document().create_element("span").expect("Couldn't create placeholder"); ph.class_list().add("placeholder").expect("Couldn't add class"); ph.append_child(&document().create_text_node(&elt.dataset().get("placeholder").unwrap_or_default())); elt.append_child(&ph); } })); elt.add_event_listener(mv!(elt => move |_: KeyUpEvent| { elt.dataset().insert("edited", if elt.inner_text().trim_matches('\n').is_empty() { "false" } else { "true" }).expect("Couldn't update edition state"); })); elt } fn clear_children(elt: &HtmlElement) { for child in elt.child_nodes() { elt.remove_child(&child).unwrap(); } }