@use templates::base;
@use template_utils::*;
@use routes::*;

@(ctx: BaseContext, now: &str)

@:base(ctx, "Search", {}, {}, {
  <h1>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Search")</h1>
  <form method="get" id="form">
    <input id="q" name="q" placeholder="Your query" type="search">
        <summary>Advanced search</summary>
        @input!(ctx.1, title    (text), "Title matching these words",       "placeholder=\"Title\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, subtitle (text), "Subtitle matching these words",    "placeholder=\"Subtitle\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, content  (text), "Content matching these words",     "placeholder=\"Content\"")
	@input!(ctx.1, after    (date), "From this date",                   &format!("max={}", now))
        @input!(ctx.1, before   (date), "To this date",                     &format!("max={}", now))

        @input!(ctx.1, tag      (text), "Containing these tags",            "placeholder=\"Tags\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, instance (text), "Posted in one of these instances", "placeholder=\"Instance domain\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, author   (text), "Posted by one of these authors",   "placeholder=\"Authors\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, blog     (text), "Posted in one of these blogs",     "placeholder=\"Blog title\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, lang     (text), "Wrote in this language",           "placeholder=\"Language\"")
        @input!(ctx.1, license  (text), "Using this license",               "placeholder=\"License\"")
    <input type="submit" value="Search"/>
  <script src="@uri!(static_files: file = "js/search.js")"></script>