use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::{self, PgConnection, RunQueryDsl, QueryDsl, ExpressionMethods, BelongingToDsl}; use diesel::dsl::any; use serde_json; use BASE_URL; use activity_pub::{PUBLIC_VISIBILTY, ap_url}; use activity_pub::actor::Actor; use activity_pub::object::Object; use models::blogs::Blog; use models::likes::Like; use models::users::User; use models::post_authors::PostAuthor; use schema::posts; #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Serialize)] pub struct Post { pub id: i32, pub blog_id: i32, pub slug: String, pub title: String, pub content: String, pub published: bool, pub license: String, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub ap_url: String } #[derive(Insertable)] #[table_name = "posts"] pub struct NewPost { pub blog_id: i32, pub slug: String, pub title: String, pub content: String, pub published: bool, pub license: String, pub ap_url: String } impl Post { pub fn insert(conn: &PgConnection, new: NewPost) -> Post { diesel::insert_into(posts::table) .values(new) .get_result(conn) .expect("Error saving new post") } pub fn get(conn: &PgConnection, id: i32) -> Option { posts::table.filter(posts::id.eq(id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading post by id") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn find_by_slug(conn: &PgConnection, slug: String) -> Option { posts::table.filter(posts::slug.eq(slug)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading post by slug") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn find_by_ap_url(conn: &PgConnection, ap_url: String) -> Option { posts::table.filter(posts::ap_url.eq(ap_url)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading post by AP URL") .into_iter().nth(0) } pub fn get_recents(conn: &PgConnection, limit: i64) -> Vec { posts::table.order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading recent posts") } pub fn get_recents_for_author(conn: &PgConnection, author: &User, limit: i64) -> Vec { use schema::post_authors; let posts = PostAuthor::belonging_to(author).select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table.filter(posts::id.eq(any(posts))) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading recent posts for author") } pub fn get_recents_for_blog(conn: &PgConnection, blog: &Blog, limit: i64) -> Vec { posts::table.filter(posts::blog_id.eq( .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .limit(limit) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading recent posts for blog") } pub fn get_authors(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { use schema::users; use schema::post_authors; let author_list = PostAuthor::belonging_to(self).select(post_authors::author_id); users::table.filter(users::id.eq(any(author_list))).load::(conn).unwrap() } pub fn get_blog(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Blog { use schema::blogs; blogs::table.filter(blogs::id.eq(self.blog_id)) .limit(1) .load::(conn) .expect("Couldn't load blog associted to post") .into_iter().nth(0).unwrap() } pub fn get_likes(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { use schema::likes; likes::table.filter(likes::post_id.eq( .load::(conn) .expect("Couldn't load likes associted to post") } pub fn update_ap_url(&self, conn: &PgConnection) { if self.ap_url.len() == 0 { diesel::update(self) .set(posts::ap_url.eq(self.compute_id(conn))) .get_result::(conn).expect("Couldn't update AP URL"); } } pub fn get_receivers_urls(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec { let followers = self.get_authors(conn).into_iter().map(|a| a.get_followers(conn)).collect::>>(); let to = followers.into_iter().fold(vec![], |mut acc, f| { for x in f { acc.push(x.ap_url); } acc }); to } } impl Object for Post { fn compute_id(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> String { ap_url(format!("{}/~/{}/{}", BASE_URL.as_str(), self.get_blog(conn).actor_id, self.slug)) } fn serialize(&self, conn: &PgConnection) -> serde_json::Value { let mut to = self.get_receivers_urls(conn); to.push(PUBLIC_VISIBILTY.to_string()); json!({ "type": "Article", "id": self.compute_id(conn), "attributedTo": self.get_authors(conn)[0].compute_id(conn), "name": self.title, "content": self.content, "actor": self.get_authors(conn)[0].compute_id(conn), "published": self.creation_date, // TODO: "image": "image", // TODO: "preview": "preview", // TODO: "replies": "replies", // TODO: "summary": "summary", "tag": [], // TODO: "updated": "updated", "url": self.compute_id(conn), "to": to, "cc": [] }) } }