{% extends "base" %} {% import "macros" as macros %} {% block title %} {{ blog.title }} {% endblock title %} {% block header %} {{ blog.title }} {% endblock header %} {% block content %}

{{ blog.title }} ~{{ blog.fqn }}

{{ blog.summary }}

{{ "{{ count }} authors in this blog: " | _n(singular="One author in this blog: ", count = n_authors) }} {% for author in authors %} {{ author.name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ "{{ count }} articles in this blog" | _n(singular="One article in this blog", count = n_articles) }}

{{ "Latest articles" | _ }}

{% if posts | length < 1 %}

{{ "No posts to see here yet." | _ }}

{% endif %} {% if is_author %} {{ "New article" | _ }} {% endif %}
{% for article in posts %} {{ macros::post_card(article=article) }} {% endfor %}
{{ macros::paginate(page=page, total=n_pages) }}
{% if is_author %}

{{ "Danger zone" | _ }}

{{ "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be cancelled." | _ }}

{% endif %} {% endblock content %}