@use plume_models::blogs::Blog;
@use plume_models::posts::Post;
@use plume_models::users::User;
@use templates::{base, partials::post_card};
@use template_utils::*;
@use routes::*;

@(ctx: BaseContext, blog: Blog, fqn: String, authors: &Vec<User>, total_articles: i64, page: i32, n_pages: i32, is_author: bool, posts: Vec<Post>)

@:base(ctx, blog.title.as_ref(), {}, {
    <a href="@uri!(blogs::details: name = &fqn, page = _)">@blog.title</a>
}, {
<div class="hidden">
    @for author in authors {
        <div class="h-card">
            <span class="p-name">@author.name(ctx.0)</span>
            <a class="u-url" href="@author.ap_url"></a>
<div class="h-feed">
    <h1><span class="p-name">@blog.title</span> <small>~@fqn</small></h1>
        @i18n!(ctx.1, "There's one author on this blog: ", "There are {0} authors on this blog: ", authors.len())
        @for author in authors {
            <a class="author p-author" href="@uri!(user::details: name = author.get_fqn(ctx.0))">@author.name(ctx.0)</a>
        @i18n!(ctx.1, "There's one article on this blog", "There are {0} articles on this blog", total_articles)

            @i18n!(ctx.1, "Latest articles")
            <small><a href="@uri!(blogs::atom_feed: name = &fqn)" title="Atom feed">@icon!("rss")</a></small>
        @if posts.len() < 1 {
            <p>@i18n!(ctx.1, "No posts to see here yet.")</p>
        @if is_author {
            <a href="@uri!(posts::new: blog = &fqn)" class="button inline-block">@i18n!(ctx.1, "New article")</a>
        <div class="cards">
            @for article in posts {
                @:post_card(ctx, article)
        @paginate(ctx.1, page, n_pages)
    @if is_author {
        <h2>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Danger zone")</h2>
        <p>@i18n!(ctx.1, "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be reversed.")</p>
        <form method="post" action="@uri!(blogs::delete: name = &fqn)">
	        <input type="submit" class="inline-block button destructive" value="@i18n!(ctx.1, "Permanently delete this blog")">