{% extends "base" %} {% import "macros" as macros %} {% block title %} {{ "Dashboard" | _ }} {% endblock title %} {% block content %}

{{ "Your Dashboard" | _ }}

{{ "Your Blogs" | _ }}

{% if blogs | length < 1 %}

{{ "You don't have any blog yet. Create your own, or ask to join one." | _ }}

{% endif %}
{% for blog in blogs %} {% endfor %}
{{ "Start a new blog" | _ }}
{% if drafts | length > 0 %}

{{ "Your Drafts" | _ }}

{% for draft in drafts %} {{ macros::post_card(article=draft) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{{ "Your media" | _ }}

{{ "Go to your gallery" | _ }}
{% endblock content %}